Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Yes something wrong with SMP9 after it did kicked me out because restart. It never came back.
    Well, useing the time to improve / test things in creative,
    SteamedEcko likes this.
  2. Same here
  3. after serveral hours still no smp9 and still no login to any other server :(
  4. You are there in spirit. :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  5. 607 and ChickenDice like this.
  6. I got kicked at like 2:30 p.m. EST and I'm still unable to connect. Sharing the pain with all of you.

    Oh, and weirdly enough, both me and my friend rebelgrrrl who were kicked at the same time ... both show up as logged-on when you look at smp9's online players. Interesting!
    minanela3 likes this.
  7. Pretty disappointed .. It takes too long before this issue is resolved. What a boring Evening/night
    Off to bed I guess...
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  8. the /who status (as well as the site) seem to always show smp9 at having 24 players, and it doesn't change. But it appears inaccessible at this time.
  9. I am sure that the staff know that there is a problem, but Aikar might be unavailable at this time. Just sit back and enjoy some YT tutorials on new builds, or if you are not a fan of that, cat videos. :)
    mba2012, cddm95ace and PandasEatRamen like this.
  10. Or just play single player? I'm sure everyone still has a old or not yet that old single player world waiting to be played
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. I Can not get on Empire minecraft if you no how to fix this pls tell me
  12. What is the error or issue that you're experiencing? There's a lot of reasons for someone not being able to connect.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. Servers seem to be having problems - Timed out and cant reconnect
    blackdown10 likes this.
  14. Looks like it's fixed
    weeh666 likes this.
  15. MCE server (smp9 playing) wonky again. not responding, slow. time-out . problems to connect.
  16. Time outs - block lag - stutters on SMP1 too
  17. Can you perform a trace route to I do not see any TPS issues on SMP1, but the internet has been having a lot of issues lately.
  18. The reboot seems to have done the trick - thanks :)
  19. removed the first few hops, but the are all below 10ms

    5 7 ms 7 ms 8 ms []
    6 119 ms 119 ms 119 ms []
    7 118 ms 117 ms 118 ms []
    8 119 ms 118 ms 120 ms []
    9 119 ms 119 ms 121 ms []
    10 119 ms 119 ms 119 ms []
    11 119 ms 119 ms 119 ms []
    12 118 ms 119 ms 120 ms []
    13 121 ms 119 ms 122 ms []
    14 120 ms 118 ms 120 ms []
    15 132 ms 119 ms 119 ms []
    16 120 ms 119 ms 119 ms []
    17 118 ms 119 ms 127 ms []
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 119 ms 127 ms 119 ms []
  20. item frames i hate them xD
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