Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. You wanna go?! :p
  2. Edit: I am ugly, Don't remember me.
    This is a few months old actually. I actually don't like this photo at all but Meh.
  3. image.jpg

    Shameless selfies while living with that guy up there ^

    Attached Files:

  4. i haven't taken any new photos lately, so, here is one :p

    Rezxz, Gadget_AD, mba2012 and 7 others like this.
  5. 20140403_204937.jpg
    Got ma new room and ma internetz back. WooHoo!!!

  6. Im on the right :D Me and my mate outside our Squadron ready for our practice parade before our promotion :D


  7. Apparently, this is a good picture of me. I don't know.
    Gadget_AD, 607, mba2012 and 4 others like this.

  8. Vexen and me :3 were weird oki
    Gadget_AD, 607, mba2012 and 6 others like this.
  9. <----
    First picture of me and my twin.
    I'm the attractive one.
    deathconn and generalfelino015 like this.
  10. Um, sorry, I'm not that good at that stuff. Who is the attractive one?
    cowland123 and TigerstarMC like this.
  11. It's time, I assume... This is me running a 5k 2 weeks ago (I'm left, by the way).
  12. moments after taking this pic Marknaaijer triped the guy left of him winning the race...
  13. My dad, mom, and me at my awarding of Certificates of the Middle Years Program, MYP :D.
    Silken_thread, wisepsn and jacob5089 like this.
  14. You are on the far left yes
  15. The bag photobombing that poor innocent family? I would assume yes.
    jacob5089 and yankees518 like this.
  16. what is a photo bomb and is it more dangerous than a creeper?
  17. Photo bomb is when someone or something gets in the photo and deliberately or accidentally ruins it :)
    Like so :
    HurferDurfer1 and mba2012 like this.
  18. It says Mark :o
    mba2012 and marknaaijer like this.
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