Is this fair?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Neff111, Mar 14, 2014.


Was this unfair for the mods to do?

Poll closed Jul 14, 2022.
Yes 15 vote(s) 37.5%
No 25 vote(s) 62.5%
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  1. Though this is solved, I feel partly that this problem lies with the frequent mob arenas.

    I know that these are supposed to be fun, but more mob arenas = more chances for mistakes to occur, and thus, more bad stuff after that. I'm just recommending that whenever a moderator hosts a mob arena, he should be accompanied with an older staff member or so. Just so if mistakes are made, they can be resolved easily. Like in soccer, how there are two Assistant Referees normally with the Referee himself to help with the flow of the game.

    Also, though I assume when someone becomes moderator, he is informed on how to run the mob arena, I'd just advise that every new moderator gets informed if they don't already. :p
    Equinox_Boss and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. And that's why no matter where I go now on any MC Server or this one, I never join any Mob Arena or game so conveniently related to PVP, because there are always cheaters, sucker puckers or people who go to great lengths just to beat you in the game or event. I'm an Abused Panda! I've had every possible thing happened to me in my past playing on PVP Servers, events or games of that nature. So I really know how you feel on this matter. I’m and Admin on a private MC that me and my friend runs where we able to back track your character to the time and day you lost said items and completely restore everything you lost and EXP as well, I’m just surprised that some other servers can’t do that.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. A million rupees? How?
    Equinox_Boss and PandasEatRamen like this.
  4. I never said anything about the rupees, because that seems impossible to have that much, so I didn't talk about it :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. that's what i always do but just in any yolo type game :)).... why am I even saying this ://
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. There was a mistake that happen during MBA and I fixed it by doing a In-game I announced to the players who were killed and lost items come with me to prize room to get their items.. Only 2 players came forward to get armor back. After 5 minutes of those two players getting items back I ask again and no one else who got killed came forward no /tells nothing were sent to me. Telling me that everyone got their stuff back and so we started the 1st round. If someone doesn't come forward saying " I lost armor can you give it back from what just happened" It tells me A. you didn't care what you just lost or B. you didn't have anything in inventory.

    We even checked chat after this thread was made and nothing came from Neff about him telling us getting his armor back. There is no pms history from him to me.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Thanks Dwight for your time and effort running these events. I know that a lot of people really enjoy them. It sounds like there is more to the story (isn't there always). I wanted the focus of my first post to be on topic about 'fairness', which I voted that it was fair. Just because something is fair doesn't make it fun for someone who has a bad experience.

    I know Dwight has pretty thick skin against complaints. In the past, these events were canceled due to complaints or some other nature. Mods do these events because they love our members and it's fun to play together. It really sucks the joy out when they are trying hard but members complain.

    If anyone feels this way, I agree that they should avoid these events. It also sounds like a shot at Dwight or the mods running events. I don't think they deserve harsh comments based on one side of the story. I hope that my post did not come across in that way.


    I also wanted to mention that I was unfairly killed by a cave spider during round 2 that I hit with my sword by mistake. As a result I dropped 2 1/2 double chests of diamond blocks and 358 rupees. I don't really want my stuff back, but I just think that cave spiders are mean and should not be allowed in future mob events.:mad: (Just the little blue ones, the black ones are fine.)
  8. You should know better than to take your Rupees to one of those events, man.
  9. As far as I know, mob arena works on the principle of spawning monsters when a button is pushed, sooo :/

    As for wining, people told me I've gotten 3rd place in gold mob arena before a couple times. This was when I was under-geared. The last mob arena, I actually had some armor and better items, but then almost instantaneously lost it, which is why I was frustrated.

    Im not exactly dwelling on my loss either. Im getting tons of spam in my 'Alerts' and I have no Idea how to close this thread.
  10. Mate, I said I lost my stuff and I want it back like 20 times >:/
  11. Dwight is a moderator - he has access to Square which has chat logs - he would be able to check to see if you had said it recently after he asked.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and 607 like this.
  12. I've just been through your public chat at Mob Arena time, and I can't see anything where you ask for your stuff back. Not saying you didn't mention it in a channel I can't see, but it's not appearing in the channels where I can see you talking about other things during the event.

    By the sound of one of Dwight's posts, he had his /tell logs checked too (which are two way).
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  13. Joshy was quoting skydragon, and not talking to you :p And yes, there are people with over a million rupees. (looking at you, FDNY)
    princebee, Aquazzz and FDNY21 like this.
  14. Good question. You are not able to close the thread, but a moderator can do it at your request.

    If you want to stop getting Alerts from this or any other thread that you have posted or posted to, there are several methods.

    Near the top of this page, just below the survey, there is a few menu items, a page number thing and to the right of that is a link to 'Unwatch Thread', that should stop the notifications.

    You can change your account settings so that you don't automatically watch threads or get alerts for future posting in the preferences section.
    607 likes this.
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