[CANCELLED] EMC Wedding!!! #cutemelkiew73

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by cutejuliew, Jan 25, 2014.


Are you going to the wedding?

Yes I'll go get my tux/ Dress :D 42 vote(s) 63.6%
No 10 vote(s) 15.2%
BEACHHH!! (also yes) 14 vote(s) 21.2%
  1. N
    Nope, I still had a res on 7. I was still there :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. You left for smp8 and are never on smp7 anymore. I loved you but seriously? smp8?
    Bro_im_infinite and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Yea, even I don't go on eight...
  4. Oh mai gosh, I just realized, the theme is beach. I gotta get some swim wear for the reception :O Hmm...
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.

    I'm gonna shut up nao
    Bro_im_infinite and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. Congratz Cute and Melk! I hope all goes well on the big day! :) I sadly won't be able to attend since it will be at 1am for me GMT. :(
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. If you want me to make you a suit, don't be afraid to ask. It is free. If you don't want a traditional suit I can customize it to your skin. Here is an example of what I can do:

    This is highlancer54's normal skin:
    'highlancer54s body.png'.png
    This does not include the hood but this is basically it

    This is the suit he designed. Perfectly fine but needs a wow factor :p.

    This is the suit I designed based on his old skin:

    photo 1-2.PNG photo 2-2.PNG photo 3-2.PNG
  8. Time to make myself a black tuxedo for a beach wedding. :D
    Ill just be that random guy that goes to everyone's wedding. :rolleyes:
    cutejuliew and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. I'll be attending :)
    cutejuliew and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. I am, a random bystander :D #bestrankever!
  11. Whispers *Hey SDO, Guess what! I'm the drunk llama! LOL*
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. I need to move to the USA.
  13. You and your llamas. :D
    Its a bit late for me, late being 1 am. :rolleyes:
    But i´ll try to come anyway.
    Equinox_Boss and technologygeek like this.
  14. So not only are you good at wearing suits in real life, but you can design them in game as well, huh? I'm impressed. >.<

    I'll try to make it to the wedding, I have to see if I can drag Torian along as date. :p
  15. Idk...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. lol see you there :)
  17. I just got a suit skin on. still trying to find a good one. lol
    cutejuliew and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. Can I be the wedding's resident economist?
    Economists are always relevant, right guise?
    Equinox_Boss and PandasEatRamen like this.
  19. Haha, thanks. Let me know if tori an needs a suit
    Palmsugar and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. Redbull gives you wings, but no landing gear.