Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. I suppose I'll through my hat into this ring.

    Serious business


    Slightly less serious business.
    Olaf_C, melk73, battmeghs and 2 others like this.
  2. You inspired me to add my funny hat picture haha
    margaritte and ignoramoose like this.
  3. Hi, I was bored during chemistry while taking this photo. Picture of me 1.png
  4. I love threads like these.

    Always so many suspect pictures of half dressed men or women that are secretly men dressed up as women (Refer to my 'No women on the internet' statement elsewhere).


    Afghan 2009-2010. Remember kids - Bullets: if you don't have enough for everyone, then don't bother bringing them to the party.
  5. Ahaha I had a heart attack when I first saw it::')
  6. We appreciate your service soldier. *Places hand on heart*
  7. Unfortunately, they were on mine, as my internet was being slow I wasn't even looking at my screen, one of the scariest moments of my life.
    HeyitsCourtney likes this.
  8. Lawwwl! I feel completely shamed upon now 3:

  9. My and Conan got a face swap.
  10. I found an amazing photo of me. Then i photoshopped in like all the effects cuz im cool. Me lol.jpg
  11. Well, It got me!

  12. Best. Hat. Ever.
    battmeghs, Twitch1 and HeyitsCourtney like this.
  13. God is temporally unavailableXD
  14. Hahahahhahahahahah. So help me Dr. (Refrence to my profile pic :p )
  15. Why, Dr Who?:p
    IPwnCreeps likes this.
  16. Well, I'm always showing myself, but here's another one anyway :)

    My daughter, me and some poppies:
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