Community Discussion: Reset of Wilderness / Nether / End?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Mar 6, 2012.


Please read the entire topic before voting

Poll closed Mar 9, 2012.
Yes - Reset the non Town worlds WITH a weeks notice and special features during that time 399 vote(s) 89.5%
No - I want them all to stay the way they are now, do not reset 47 vote(s) 10.5%
  1. The only thing I have to complain about are the amount of the monsters in the Wilderness.
    I might be a big baby, but would there be any argument to lowering the amount of monster spawns out there?
    It's a bit difficult to get mats to build when I'm fighting for my life (and what's on me) against 6 monsters at once. Not exaggerating. If I hadn't tamed 3 dogs earlier in the daytime, I would have lost all my hard-earned stuff. :C
  2. No lets only reset periodic reset areas and nether /end not wild
  3. if anything we want more monsters
    kilmannan and Rtardo like this.
  4. Nah it'd be more like:
    /ban JusinGuy and GameKribJEREMY since they are the ones actually resetting...
    result: Servers fall into the void O.O

    For this though, would it be wild to make a thread where anyone in a situation like (stuck lost in a VERY bad situation) this can post on to have an admin or senior staff move them back to the wild spawn? I know I sure wouldn't like to spawn in a ravine with no pickaxe or wood to get out, and then have to punch my way through essentially 100 blocks of stone to get out (may be an exaggeration, but its not out of the realm of impossibility).
  5. Ummm... so make sure you have a pickaxe in your inventory before the reset?
  6. Of topic, but when I'm exploring caves and such, I like to be wearing armor, carrying a pretty good stack of melons or bread, a bucket of water, a bucket of lava and about a half-stack of dirt. With this in my inventory, it's unlikely that I can't get out of just about any trouble monsters can throw at me--at least on the difficulty levels currently found in EMC wilds. Stupidly falling in lava when not paying enough attention is what usually slays me.
    margaritte likes this.
  7. Main point is to ALWAYS be wearing a set of Iron Armor.

    The starting money you get, and the amount of iron you find while mining, is very easy to get enough iron to make the armor.

    Iron Armor + Iron Sword (which you can now get as drops from monsters too) will keep you well defended. once you have the money/resources, upgrade to a Diamond Sword, and even creepers will bow before you!

    also, use torches! Monsters wont spawn in light, and wont spawn within 25 blocks. so light up your area and path good, and you wont have to deal with them anyways.
  8. to be honest I had started typing a response to this, claiming that if you died then you'd loose all that stuff and be back at the spawn anyway. Then i realized that now since your experience isn't lost when you die, then just go out in to the wild and make sure you have nothing in your inventory, and if you don't like where you end up, just die and go back to spawn with no consequences. with that being said, nothing needs to be done :p
  9. I, personally, think it would be a good idea. I have one question however. Would that mean that the Monster spawn drop in wilderness east outpost would be rebuilt? Or would it go away totally? Just curious really. it's the one out behind the village after you leave the portal to wilderness east.
  10. Everything reset means everything reset.

    The only things that will be rebuilt are those which the players rebuild themselves.

    The land will be unexplored chunks again until someone stumbles across it.


    The mob levels are fine. Due care and caution will see you right, and as someone else said, I'd like to see more Mobs. I want it so that I break into a sweat when my back is turned in case something creeps up on me.

    I want siege!

    Edited to add:

    This thought has really got me now. I'd love this in Dystopia. Just mobs. Mobs mobs mobs. So that if you want to stake a claim in a piece of ground in the Wild, you're going to have to go in team-handed to smash your way through them.

    That'd be epic.
    margaritte and Call_Me_DeJaja like this.
  11. Did You Put The Idea I Posted To Have A Vote?
  12. When I first started on the Empire servers, it was always my understanding that all worlds, except town worlds, would get reset at some point. I think it's the best way to take care of problems like gltches, and when an update is released.
    Just one thing, if it's posible, can you make sure the wildernesses are not all water? Thank you! :)
    JustinGuy likes this.
  13. i vote reset. people may be mad that their buildings or what not are gone. i would give them a good amount of time to gather what they want from the wilderness that they've built. but speaking as a new player on this server, its kind of frustrating that you need to travel 2-3 game days in order to find something untouched by anyone else. not to mention the "karate kid" jumping you need to do just to get past the spawn zone.
    Darkwellor likes this.
  14. you should make it so we have something like fly for the week so we have enough time to get ALL of our i have alot out there so it would take me time.
  15. I actually like this. I think the idea of building on a completely flat land is pretty cool. But I suppose this is not what the nether is about :p

    Do monsters now spawn above the bedrock in the nether?

    I'm gunna support this though. I believe it is for the good of the Empire. I don't think new players will be very impressed to come to an old fashioned wild map either...
  16. also you should make it so we can keep spawners if we have a siltouch so we dont loose our special blaze spawners :(
    IPwnCreeps likes this.
  17. Time to say goodbye to my castle :(
  18. Nole972 likes this.
  19. Another vote of yes. I'm glad Justin has taken this tone with this issue - it's certainly not something to do lightly, but it's probably for the best for everyone. You can't please everyone in this situation. :/
  20. Idk why it keeps making the "Thanks for the feedback" part of the quote.... T_T