What's one thing that makes you very angry, very fast?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SpaceShuttleFan, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. I HATE Youtube Fan Boys Who Spam The youtubers Message box with Annoying Messages Saying I LUVV U or something like that.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. I also Hate Kids Who Scold U for Calling Gold Budder. I talk about Minecraft and EMC with my brothers and friends. Then when I get to gold... Some kids come and say Its BUDDER not gold. For The love of God NO ONE CARES
  3. What is this 'Budder' ?
  4. The issue I have with it is it makes you seem unintelligent to call it budder. If you call it butter it doesn't look so bad but it's still dumb looking. Also for those of us who choose to call it by the actual word, we get raged at by Sky fanboiiiz that state "ITS NOT GOLD IT IS BUTTER/BUDDER B CUZ SKY SAYS SO U R SO RETARTED!!!!!!11111!!!1!"
  5. Well pies don't get all big and fat and round, and we always taste sweet. :cool:
  6. :mad:
    Potatoes end up deliciously salty with some burgers, and cherished by everyone!
  7. Sweet potatoes...

    They get made into pies.
  8. Forget, pies.
  9. They only taste good if they're fried in greasy oily stuff. Pies can be made with healthy fruits an sometimes vegatables and still taste good.

    Muffins are naked cupcakes.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. I.... Totally knew that! Of course sweet potatoes get made into pies! Er.. YOU HEARD NOTHING!
    What about mashed potatoes? And baked potatoes? Hmmmmmmm!?!?!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. My grandma used to make fried pies >.>

    Lol I keep coming up with counter arguments.
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  12. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. You need to add seasoning or something for them not to taste bad. You don't just bake a potato and have it taste good. You can bake an apple pie and the apples have their own sweetness.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Pies maybe sweet, I never tasted one, of course, for their own sake. But pies are to crunchy looking. Potatoes are easy to chew on. And i'm not meaning the skin. Also, can pies make electricity??? I think not!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Sky fanboys.
    And ps3 vs. Xbox.
  16. But have you even seen anyone eat a raw potato? No. At least I haven't. I think someone would much rather eat an apple pie than a raw potato or something that's dipped in greasy oil. And think of all the possibilities that you could make with a pie, Chocolate, Coconut, Pumpkin, Apple, Pecan, Keylime, Even cheesecake. All you have is... potato.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Muffins have every flavor known to man...
    Cupcakes have three.
    Equinox_Boss and smile3 like this.
  18. Mashed Potatoes? I think we know the true victor here.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. People saying "congrats on your supporter -insert rank here-" its not like it was givin to me or won i paid for it.....
  20. My iPod touch...
    It doesn't like to work anymore...
    Only bought it a year ago...

    Also PCPartpicker...
    That thing is so overrated.
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