The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Can i join?:)
    L0tad likes this.
  2. Yes :D
  3. ya id like to join the ministry :D
  4. jacob5089 and mba2012 like this.
  5. I don't have any. :) I accept the position :D

    But, first and fore most I have something to say to all members of government and of every neorerebuplican.

    We don't have any tourist attractions. We don't have even one monument.

    Not one.

    Now before any says that I am being mean, uncalled for, or anything like that,
    the reason I am saying this is because I am concerned.

    Sure, Wrem, and some other cities are all grand and swell, but, we do not even have one giant build.

    Now I can hear a lot of Militia members getting angry because of the Stoneguard bridge and how grand it is.
    Well to be honest, it is just a bridge. It doesn't even have a proper name. And besides the fact it is privately owned (which bridges should not be mind you) and it was put up in less than 72 hours I heard.

    The New republic as a whole should come up with a build that would bring us all together as a nation, not just the militia, and it should take many, many man hours to build. The militia are here to help, but, it should not be just them building. Not only is it unfair to them, it would be unfair to citizens. When the militia built the stoneguard bridge, they had every right to make it privately owned. People say it's unfair but, it's unfair not everyone helped.

    Anyways, if you think I am handling this situation wrongly, that may be true. But, to be in the second largest wild community in EMC and to not have yet one mega build, monument, etc. (government buildings should not count)
    it makes me a bit angry to be frank. What have we accomplished. We have done much since the NR founded. But, I think we should focus a more on doing, then arguing. The constant back and forth does nothing. If you have a suggestion for what to build, please just leave it below.

    And to anyone I offended during my speech, please know that this is what I think is best for the new Republic as a whole, if you dislike it or have a better one, go on right ahead.

    Thank you.
    hollyhill105, Jeanzl2000 and mba2012 like this.
  6. I have ideas for a build. I'll post them later.
  7. lol
  8. I agree and disagree.
    First off, the NR is not short of its iconic buildings at all. Every build has its story behind it, some more so than others, here are some examples:

    The Ultiplex Hotel/Apartments, Inzoino.
    This was made in the NR's earlier stages. Built as a replacement for the smaller RET apartment building across the road. Inzoino had no where for its earliest settlers to stay, we need something big. Very big. So, that is what was done. Upon completion it featured no less than 25 floors containing numerous homes, with some fetching as much as Six Grand. I am yet to find a building even to compete with it in terms of height. It is the undisputed highest point in the NR and possibly in all of smp9.

    The Militia HQ, Wrem.
    One day in April 2013, a group of players stumbled upon the NR. That group is the EMC militia. They wanted a base of operations in our country, but struggled to find a place to build in Inzoino. It was in Wrem where they eventually settled, after I gave Napoleon a plot in me and matthew12hydro's days old mining outpost. I went through the build guide as I have done to every land owner in the city and logged off for a good nights sleep. When I awoke and logged on I was simply amazed at what the militia had built. An 11 story skyscraper right in the middle of the place. It was then that I realised what we could achieve if we put our minds to it, as the militia crew built this mammoth structure in just hours. It set the tone for building in the area, which now features a number of skyscrapers with more on the way!

    National Hall/ Square, Wrem.
    The scene of the beginning of the NR's most testing times. The square played host to the infamous riots in early June 2013, I think we all know where that went. The hall too has hosted many meetings, often in excess of 10 people, and often holds debates, conferences and announcements. It now has capabilities as a courthouse too, for when we get the Judicial system in place. It is truly a hub of activity in our country.

    I know for fact there is more, these are just three I picked out :p On the other hand, I think I get what your hinting at. We need a project of epic proportions that we can all work on together, finer than any other on EMC.
    Has anyone got any ideas on what to do? :D
  9. Kind of what I meant. There are iconic buildings, but, no mega builds :)
    mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  10. *Politely asks*

    What would be a mega build?
  11. What I consider a mega build is any build that takes over 2 months to complete and requires the help of many people to build. It could be any thing really in that case. It could be a pyramid, wall, any thing that takes a lot of time and effort.
  12. You want a mega build? I give the best idea for a mega build: The Berlin Wall
    Mrlegitislegit likes this.
  13. Yes but thing is, the bridge the Militia building may have been built hours on end, but we put time and we put effort into it, we worked hard to make those things and you're telling us that they aren't iconic. That's kinda harsh man. You may not have meant it but we worked hard and that's the reason that they were built in a couple of hours. Me, Krit, Nap, and Koen all worked on that Militia Building together, we stayed up till the crack of dawn literally, I stood up till 5 in the morning. and then when we made that bridge we put our own resources into that we also made Wrem park and if you tell me that Stoneguard isn't good, I may have to CAT scan your brain to see if it is there. xD
    napoleon3665 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  14. I'll refer you to the SMP7 jungle outpost thread.
    Mainly Wintermoon bridge.
    And I'll tell you, the NR needs a nether route, to get resources.
    Mega builds dont need to take two months.
    Shaving foam built the best bridge i have ever seen in two weeks.
    zulu9, mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
  15. Why is it that almost every time someone suggests something that might as well be getting oat meal from god, gets bashed on by the militia, and then the militia are turning around and saying that we are the ones bashing on you.
    The funny part is, the next day a militia member will say almost the exact same thing as the other person said and then they are praised. Praise the militia! The Militia saves all!

    And I am serious! Never once did I say that the bridge was a waste of time, resources, and is worthless!
    I understand that it took a lot of time, but, did you read my post? I mean I try to find a great thing for everyone to do, yet, apparently some people only care about the bad parts, and twist them into things I never said.

    Now, like I said in the post I made, if I offended anyone by that post, whether it be because you have a better idea or just plain hate it go right ahead. But, now I want an answer. Do you really care so much about something I never said, instead of something that would benefit the entire New Republic Community?

    I tried so hard to be very reasonable about what I was saying and tried not to step on any toes, but, I feel even that wouldn't have prevented this. I hope the thread does not get closed right after discussing this great idea, or any more for that matter. Now, let's all take a moment to breathe and clear our thoughts before this gets out of hand. I know that what we are doing right now is basically reopening old wounds and then putting salt on them, so I will say this once, no more.
  16. London Heathrow, Taipei 101. Things like that.
    brickstrike and L0tad like this.
  17. Actually, i will unveil something truly epic soon, i will invite you to the convo brick.
  18. So you're saying that If build something of Epic Proportions but I had 10 people working on it 24/7 and finished in just 10 hours that it isn't a mega build? How long it took shouldn't count, it's the effort. By setting a minimum time limit you are just ignoring how hard people worked to build it. You are ignoring the suffering (a tiny bit of an exaggeration)people went through, just to WILLINGLY give you something to stare at, instead of an eye sore.
  19. like I said, a mega build would be something complex like the berlin wall. check out specifications of it, and you'll find out how crazy complex it is
  20. It was just what I considered a mega build jeez... But, I guess your right...
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