Honestly super burnt out on BOII atm so I think I'll spew out a list as well. CoD: Ghosts BF4 GF4 (wat) Watch Dogs Watch Cats (wat) Minecraft 2 (wat) Dragon Egg Update (wat) GTA V (Yes please) Some new exclusives for Xbox One (Hopefully) AC4: Black Flag TEAM FORTRESS 3 (wat) PONG 2 (wat) Remake of Pokemon Red and Blue Far Cry 4 Bioshock Infinite 2 Halo 5 Destiny
Lets Count The Actual Games on that list! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Unless I didn't know about the rest, which I know there is not going to be another Blue Red remake, just yet
Ugh. I don't want to superant again... but oh well. First off I am not a CoD fanboy, as I do not play it exclusively, and I don't understand the console or video game wars that CoD and BF has. Just enjoy your own god dang game and mind yo business. Honestly I think if they fixed like 10 things in the next CoD it would be amazing. Of course there's still the haters (comprised mostly of bad players who quit, BF fanboys, and bandwagoners) but CoD always sells well no matter what, and that is a fact. There is probably not going to be a game as big as CoD for a while or perhaps very soon with the addition of new consoles, the capabilities are endless. It's kind of like this. (Potato chip metaphor inbound) If I enjoy Lays, and Jeremy over there enjoys Ruffles, should I go up to him and yell profanity at him and his chips? No! Because obviously it's in real life and not over the Internet, but also just because he likes Ruffles instead of Lays. This is called prejudice for those of you who don't know. (Preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience) If I say that all people who eat Ruffles are stupid, is that really true? No, but once people catch on to my so called lie, they start believing it. The more people say a lie, the more people believe it. So one day 10 years later, Ruffles goes bankrupt because people who eat it are fat. I could go on, but I am not making that much sense in my own head so... idk. Oh well sorrynotsorry for the long rant, but I just get pissed off when people judge others just by a game they play. TL;DR Stop hating. Like srsly. STAHP.
Good job you can count to 6 Oh and by the way I put a (wat) after the names of MOST of the games that are just for laughs... lol
But the thing is, I wasnt hating.... I was stating why I buy the game every year is because of addiction....