Looking forward to mostly, Battlefield 4 Watch Dogs Elder Scrolls Online GTA V They are my most anticipated games for me.
Dark Souls 2, if it's coming out this year. Otherwise, not looking for any new games. 2014, however...
Oh boyyyy..... 2014 is a whole 'nother deal. Is dark souls 2 coming out this year? Or is it early 2014? I don't know.
I checked before I posted my comment, and it has no definite release date. It'll likely be either the 2013 holiday season or some time near Spring 2014. After that, it becomes a really bad idea to keep it on the current generation consoles. The game looks beautiful, though, and the enemies are stupidly context-sensitive. I'm a little worried it may have issues like Blighttown did, or if they've got it set to a much lower graphical setting when it runs on console.
Because it was announced as a current gen console game. It would probably be in between those dates, though it can always change anytime xD I am a PC gamer so it doesn't really matter to me for the consoles.
You know why they call it "Call of Duty: Ghosts" right? Because the series was dead 5 years ago! *High fives bros* (In all honesty I'll probably wind up buying the game since I cant get enough of the series even though they're pretty much the same for every edition ) I'm really excited for: Pikmin 3, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Watch Dogs, Zelda: A Link to the Past 2, inFamous: Second Son, Destiny, and Knack Red Text = ERMAHGERD SO EXCITED a;lsdkfj
You should hear me rage at the COD series.... But yet I buy the game every year this is because of one simple word: ADDICTION.