Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. I don't see it...
  2. The hair.
  3. Maybe if dwight shaved, and made his hair in the front stick up some, and the sides back some.
    Xxandster700xX and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. >.> You guys are picky, lol.
  5. Uncle jesse looks like Zack effron. Only if he shaved his hair. :/
  6. Censor your nose
  7. Forgive the dodgy webcam quality.
  8. Alright Shaved my face might be little red but here.. only can do so much >.> and not cutting my hair.
  9. OMG The elusive Davie! :D
  10. ._. Nope, still look like my uncle. But in your profile picture, you dont like it at all. Its like your 3 different people at the different times.
    Xxandster700xX and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. Behold, The Mighty Davie. :D
  12. Not to offend. But i remember what you remind me of. the caveman from the Gieco commercial. But you look like my uncle also.
  13. Well duh, Dwight is also Crazy1080: I have proof!!!
    The proof is in the chat. 2013-04-28_18.16.42.png
  14. mother-of-god-template.jpg
  15. I'm sorry but for some reason I was reminded of this guy:

    Errmm... I'll post a new picture later. After school. In 13 hours ._.
  16. you used my eyeball!!!!!!
  17. That was a really good episode of Doctor Who!
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