smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. If you want a forum added to the site just send me a PM (on EMC or on the LLO forum) and tell me which category you want it to go under, and ill add it..
    also if you want anything on the forum... just PM me.
  2. I was looking at the new forums we got and saw the groups. We should "revive" those groups. :p
  3. Of course, I save the day!
    That sentence could resume your adventure :p

    And also, got Unwatched D:
  4. Free food fest= F.F.F

    The LLO has a FFF!
  5. Wrong thread? :/
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  6. Nice place, STILL EVIL

    They do have a good deal on t-v antidotes
  7. Who needs to be admin on the forums (don't just tell me you want to be admin if you aren't supposed to maintain the website)
  8. Give zulu9 it if he makes an account…I probably would as I'm site staff, I'll let everyone else decide for themselves.
  9. Everybody is a critic. :p
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 4 others like this.
  10. I sent you a pm on the new LLO site.
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  11. I made an account on the new internal LLO forums-thingy. Looks nice and could be useful for project planing for the reasons panadas stated (I will repeat those in the next reply, because they are that important)

    I PMed the creator of the forum a few suggestions esp regarding naming it.
    It should not be a replacement for the website.
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 3 others like this.
  12. So true! And we can stay an open community but plan and work on stuff internally.
    As long as the territory is not an issue we can do stuff and announce it here when it is ready.
  13. Though it could with some proper work on it.
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  14. That is the point. The google site is not the prettiest but it is easy to maintain esp for new members.
    A few clicks and they can play around. Also as long as google is offering the service it won't go away.
    I would rather not depend for the main site on the goodwill of any member that uses a payed paid software.

    Nothing against additional sites, like galleries, forums etc. I could be mean and say that we allow "fanpages" but this is not about being "official" or vanity ;)
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 3 others like this.
  15. collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 2 others like this.
  16. :cool:

    Glad the cake ninja is back. Reminds me of the early days :)
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 6 others like this.
  17. Speaking of early days, how's the documentary coming mba? :p
  18. I preferred the diamond ninja. :p
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 2 others like this.