[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  2. (ERT[EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM]) Please tell who attacked. We will be there as quickly as possible.
  3. Silence is heard. Not a single noise is heard except for the blurry words,"Je zal dalen tot ons lafaards!" It is currently unknown what language this is.
  4. Google Translate Project Complete. It means "You will fall to us cowards" in Dutch.
  5. Aperture decides to look for this unseen force with a radar. Enough time off grid has healed us.
  6. Explosions are viewed by other planets on Q73F-3JS9. It is unknown what these are caused by. Still no contact from the planet.
  7. Nuclear readiness levels defined:
    level 4: no attack possible
    level 3: attack possible but unlikely; missles and other nuclear weapons put on notice for war readiness
    level 2: all nuclear missles ready for launch in 5 minute notice
    level 1: all weapons ready for immediate launch

    Current level: 3
  8. Sonic drones are sent from an emergency hangar that was destroyed immediately after launch. They are sent to all planets hoping to receive help.
  9. Apreture has had little trouble with pirates. All of the tiny raiding ships the pirates send at as never return.
  10. Cryptum mobilizes it's army to protect Q73F. Meeting strong resistance, and getting no signal from the planet yet.
  11. Nuclear war readiness level: 2
  12. Lorien upgrades their base shield. But have to turn it off for 3 posts. The same level shield is getting added to Mongor
  13. An emergency transmission is sent. HE.... PIRA...... EXPLO.....[TRANSMISSION CLOSED]
  14. 500 nuclear missles transported to the other planets for defense against pirates
  15. Tamriel has kept itself out of other planets affairs, and begins to develop ring planet like installations .
  16. The planet of Q73F-3JS9 is eneveloped in dark mist, all over the planet. Nobody knows what this mist is, still no more word from the planet other than the emergency transmission earlier sent.
  17. Three days have passed since the last transmission. The mist appears to be writhing madly now.
  18. The planet of Rhodinia offers the planet Lorien a treaty of alliance.
  19. I say that Aperture and Q73F-3JS9 put down their weapons against each other and attack the unseen force as one.
  20. Nuclear readiness level now at 3