Haha. I didn't read it that way at first, but now I can't stop. Here's a question maybe you can answer and relate to the topic, Chickeneer: Since the Staff has started enforcing our rules more harshly, have there been fewer people breaking rules that have bannination(The EMC equivalent of the death penalty) as a punishment? I'm sure there have been more people banned, but in your opinion, has it worked as a deterrent?
I have a place for sex offenders in my city! It's called a prison! It's also right by the police station and is heavily guarded. My town is rampant with illegal gun owners and 4 policemen were shot dead a few months ago, and 6 civilians were too. There is also atleast 30 pedophiles around here because I cannot go one week without hearing a story about how a man got by school ground and exposed himself to children under the age of 13. I am lucky enough to know how to defend myself, and a man starts beating me with a bat or something? My brain sends out so much adrenaline I can't control what I do and I will ignore any pain I get and will probably end up causing terminal damage to his face - my anger issues are bad. Really bad. Luckily all of these men have been caught - except for one, who strikes every year in February near my street - once he almost abducted my friend. Also teens smoke drugs around here all the time - people have dealt weed in my front garden. The death penalty isn't effective unless you're a communist - it's sad to know a country like the USA, a country with so much potential for great economic structure, healthy relationships with other countries, 100% safe aircraft (which it does not have), and power will destroy itself simply because other countries look down on it because it owns a death penalty. The UK is its strongest and greatest ally and creator - somehow we benefit from such a country. A country that will kill and later find out the person didn't deserve to die, like this woman (not in america, but you get the idea). Yup, it was a harmless act. And now she's going to die for it because of the death penalty. It makes me angry - it makes me angry how COMMUNITIES can kill because somebody who is 99% innocent. The UK is desperately trying to stop this, but the arrogance of the country doing this is stupid and they won't listen - so the point of doing this? To just create more tension between countries, and eventually, we'll kill ourselves one day. See all the problems it creates? The USA's laws are ineffective and its government is dumb - much like the UK's prime minister. Who I talked smack about and a policeman told me off -_-
I've read books on the death penalty..this is a work of fiction; it was interesting read although I can't remember its name. A young child had his brothers, sisters, and parents killed by the death penalty and grew up on the streets, plotting his revenge. One day, he saved up enough for a gun license, a gun, and ammunition. He found the whitehouse, killed most of the people inside it, killed the president, and killed almost everyone who had something to do with the government around it. The person was later shot in the leg, the gun took off him, sent to prison. He was sentenced to the death penalty; his final words being: "What you're doing is as wrong as I did. Have fun enjoying trying to clean my blood off your hands for the rest of your life" They killed him.
Not that I'm chickeneer, but the system I believe provides a better deterrent than before. There will always be people getting banned and always be new rulebreakers joining but on the whole I feel that it is. The fact that a rulebreaker knows anything they are doing to cheat in terms of progress will be reset if they are caught seems like a pretty reasonable deterrent. That doesn't mean it won't still happen, but I believe it has reduced the number of people out to directly cheat the system. In comparsion to the death penalty though, I think the breakdown is in motive. At EMC, the deterrent of the ban and purge system is effective to those who plan to cheat to get ahead / find more stuff / make the game easier. The threat of losing everything they just earned with the cheating, as well as everything they have earned before that exactly counteracts why they are doing it (cheating) in the first place. In the case of felons receiving the death penalty, there's nearly as many reasons why they committed the actions they did as there are inmates. By no means are they a valid reason (there's not one), but they will claim they did it out of reason X. The death penalty doesn't necessarily cancel out why they did it. If someone blows up a building, and that was their goal, their punishment of death won't hurt their cause (they were successful). I don't see it as an effective deterrent in that case.
I think Ignoramoose answered this question well, I kind of joined the staff right as this was happening... so I can't make an accurate comparison.
I personally think it should be brought back to the uk for extreme circumstances only though. For things such as mass murdering with 5 or more deaths. For example the lockerbie bomber (learn about it here) should have been put to death many years ago (he is now dead) but many years after being in prison he was released on compassionate grounds because he had cancer, in my opinion this should have never of happened. He killed 270 people. Someone that kills this many people should have never have been released on compassionate grounds.
TBH the reason why Africa is so polluted and dirty and full of poverty is because people came from there, and the continent is overpopulated - it's way too crowded. He may have done the UK a small favor - although in about 3-4 minutes we regain this number back...
Flawed? Absolutely. No argument there. To say it is completely corrupted and inefficient is to do a disservice to those who work hard to bring justice to our country.
It is interesting reading through this thread, the people voting no on the poll are the older members. While the ones voting yes are all younger innocent and less educated in subjects like this.
I educate myself on things like this all the time - I find it really interesting how countries are run for some reason. I like to read the odd little article on economics (I'm not obsessed with it like volt ), death penalties, how people in different countries are treated when they break a law. Those sort of things. I also HAVE to start researching for my Business & Economics Studies now anyways because I start some of them next year, do a little bit of work on them this year, and then the year after that I start most, the year after that I finish the basic ones and they lead right up into college.
mba2012 rather call them innocent, rather than young. The reason Africa is the way it is is because European countries made it that way, and still do. Chiefly, the UK. If Africans had access to the riches stolen by the so-called first world, who knows what it may have become.
That's not how it works. When the lever is pulled or the pallet removed from below you, you can, and your spinal cord AND your air tube snaps in half, thus killing you instantly. Now, if you were to tie a noose around someone's neck, and gently lower them so they are barely above the ground, THAT would be tortue. You would sit there, choking to death for about five minutes
I think that the death penalty would only possibly be effective if the person murdered many people or did a horrible crime that would make it redefine the definition of "Horrible". The fact is even if we kill someone for killing others or committing an extremely horrible crime it doesn't really do anything. That makes us the same as them because we also took the life of someone innocent or not. Plus they all ready committed the crime. killing them will not make the ones killed or wronged by their actions suddenly alive again or to be unwronged.
That's true. Europe has a huge role in making Africa the way it is. A lot of the problems where caused because of European Action. Also before anyone says anything I'm live in the US and I'm not saying The US is better and Europe sucks. Everybody and every country makes mistakes from time to time. There is no such thing as a perfect country.
The question is, how can we be sure which person did the murdering? My supposition is, we can't be sure. We would rely on probabilities. Would you like your life/death to rely on a probability or a certainty. I say, if we cannot have certainty, we cannot let innocent people's lives be risked.
The reason why Africa is the way it is is because Americans (who had just earned independence right after the UK abolished slavery) came in there, killed them, traded them as slaves, and then in the 1950s the south were killing blacks. It is also full of civil war, they pack themselves into tiny areas and reproduce there, too scared too expand further incase something kills them. They also don't have the right materials to make toilets, so they dig a hole, poop and pee in it, and usually don't cover it up and then mosquitos come to the area for the warmth, the blood and the wet mud, hence their malaria problem. But look at it; it's slowly improving. In a bad way. The European and American countries are coming there, helping them expand...by killing off their wildlife and cutting down their trees. Personally, I hate being human. We are very pathetic defenseless beings - if it weren't for our weapons, we'd be at the bottom of the food chain like we were millions of years ago and we all fear death. I see no other animal that does - unless its an elephant. Elephants are overemotional and are probably smarter than humans - as with dolphins and wolves. If I could change my species, i'd be a wolf. I'd look cute and run fast, and chew bones.
Slave trade was started in Europe. Slavery in America was slowly coming to an end even during the revolution. It took the civil war to abolish it entirely. Your explanation of malaria is quite comical.