smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Looks like I WILL be there. :)
  2. YAY!
    Jakres likes this.
  3. :l... Fine meany
    And you say us like I wasn't ever there O-o
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Going to start making my way to the stadium now. I will probably be there :p
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  5. I'll never make it in time without the portal... I need to know where a portal is.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Almost time!
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Just hit 1,000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY :D
    Candy for everyone! Just come to my van ;)
    Jakres, zulu9, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  8. So. The LLOlympics are now ongoing. :)
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  9. Man.. I totally meant to show up, then I felt sick and slept through all of yesterday afternoon.. :(
    Did someone record it?
    Jakres likes this.
  10. rman92011 and I made this lighthouse at the docks, enjoy! :)
    Jakres, zulu9 and shavingfoam like this.
  11. I have joined the community that is JimboTown and am now a tree-dweller. :D
  12. Ok, you guys remember that dispute you were having over the express line to Yetti town? Well I have the answer to your problems. I can't quite get it working because right now I am terrible at redstone BUT I have the theory that will work. It will only modify the current line.

    So on the current line there would be two buttons. One would take you along the line normally and one would take you express. So when you press the express one you you go along and when you reached the light line/yetti town line junction you automatically turn into the yetti town line, you then continue along past any stations until you reach winter station.

    Now the way to do that. When the button is pressed the current splits into two, one activates the cart one follows the track. The current would go along to the junction where it would activate the way to yetti town. It then disables stopping at any stations along the way. To stop the current from going further than the cart into unloaded chucks it stops at an RS-NOR latch which stores the current and send it to one part of an AND Gate, when the cart reaches this point it activates another current which feeds into the AND Gate and the current continues. It does this also to make sure the correct cart goes along the express route.

    It would only need minor changes to stations and junctions but a fair bit of change to the track and around it.

    Thoughts? Opinions?
  13. ^^^ This=EPIC. You are a redstone god. ;D
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  14. In theory. In practice I am not. :p
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  15. Yeah I'm terrible at theory and in practice... How do people learn all that stuff?
    Jakres, mba2012 and Philovanrood like this.
  16. Can I join LLO please?
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I think everyone can join, just as long as they say so on the forums, so probably, yes!
    Jakres, mba2012, zulu9 and 1 other person like this.
  18. Yes you may :)
    Jakres likes this.
  19. It's awesome to see that new members are still making their way out to the LLO. ;D

    I was just thinking about how I came here, and am wondering if there was some sort of fate at play.

    My residence is on smp3, as there were only three EMC servers when I joined. I started to play around with my res; was going to make a skyscraper out of trees, but kinda got tired of the whole running back and forth to the wilderness to gather materials, a dangerous task considering the usual state of the PRA.

    When the worlds were reset due to a major update (I forget which one), I started out on smp7, as that was now the newest server, and the only one at the time to have been updated as it was newly created.
    I decided that since my res was still back on smp3, and I didn't want to bother moving it, I was going to go wild this time, and just stay out where all the nature is.

    My first wild residence began sweetly, but soon turned sour when griefers attacked, mostly due to my close proximity to the spawn area. If you look directly north of wild spawn (60,-700), you can still see the original walls and the small amphitheater/coliseum on the corner of it. My original intent was to build a large castle as a safe haven for those stopping through, but the griefers were too much for me to handle alone. By the looks of it, it still sees use from time to time.

    I packed up my valuables and headed north, as far from spawn as I could go without going to extremes, and I happened upon a naturally spawned village! Yeah! Sadly, there were no villagers left (of course), but it was a nice town to spruce up and call home. (230,-1500) I walled it in against mobs, built a glass observation globe, had sheep in the farm, and began excavating a secret tunnel system under the whole town when........griefers struck again! ACK!!!!

    I don't get too much time to play MC, so when I do, I don't like setbacks....ONE BIT. The repairs ended up being more than I was willing to spend timewise to repair, so again I packed my valuables, pulled all the torches, and set off across the wilderness in search of a new home. This time, I would go further than 99% of griefers would bother (so I thought), and hopefully have a neighbor or two to keep an eye on things whilst I was away. I decided to head west this time, following the edges of jungles, slogging through swamps, trudging through snow up to my 7th pixel until I eventually came to a mountain range bordered by a jungle. Great. Difficult passage either way, so I followed the river between until that eventually was swallowed by the jungle, and kept slashing west. By this time, it was starting to get dark again, so I started looking for yet another place to dig a hole and wait ten minutes. The trees opened up into another swamp to the south, but the mountains to the north leveled out a bit ahead, and I though I could see some light. Halfway up the foothill was a small house under a grove of birch trees. A bed! A night spent without fear!

    The next morning, I continued west down the other side of the foothills and came to some more snow to the north, but also an OCEAN (or so it looks on 'normal' view distance). I followed the coast and came to a wonderful example of a concept I tried once or twice, a huge space under the ice! It turns out this was Runewulf's, and along with a few others, the founders of the LLO.

    The only constructions in the desert at that time were the farms (pig/sheep/tree), so I went up to the northeast corner and built my little cottage on the river, and the next day, the foundation blocks of Philo Tower were laid.

    The rest, as they history. ;D

    Thank you all for being such an awesome community. Peace!