^That There's actually a few things I wouldn't mind keeping from it lol, like the tracks and the gravel Although the paintings do make me look like I have a crush on him lol. There is a recipe for netherbrick possibly being planned for 1.5
Ghast noises. New commonality of Blazes. Just can't get away from them now, and they're always knocking me off of things Books using leather.
When you cook a bunch of stone or bricks into blocks, and then you realize you needed the actual bricks or stone. And when your working on a project, and you run out of materials or rupees half way through the project.
Efficiency IV diamond picks. AND when you just downloaded Mo' Creatures and it finally works but there are soo many animals that your game lags/crashes when you log on.
I freaking hate dirt for multiple reasons. "WILL SUM1 HELP ME DIG OUT MY REZ PLOX?" Or when they hide it in a request "Will you help me dig a bit on my res? I will pay you 100r." I hate digging my own res out, why would I work for 100 r to dig out yours? :I Also I hate that dirt and jungle wood or even spruce sometimes are close to the same color in texture packs. There is never enough cowbell. People do this on SMP7 and the beggars stop for a few minutes and then start again. "Hey!" and "Gonna huuuuuurrrttttt youuuuuuu" is what it always sounds like to me >.> Yeah the Books using leather and the button recipe change and there was another few recipes that bug me.
When Aikar makes it rain on minecraft. Even if its not him im still blaming him. Also when i get out in the wild and realize i forgot the food. -.-
When you're standing above lava on a thin ledge in the Nether and a ghast knocks you in the lava with all your good stuff.
Another one; people saying that ban appeals should be sent to a moderator on threads after 16 other people have said it :3
Hanging paintings is the biggest pain in the @$$. Why is there not an option to select which painting to hang? Why Mojang!?
When people advertise their servers and spam makes me want to drive my fist into my screen and out through their monitor and smack them in the face and go "FUS RO DAH!"
HOW DO I SHOT WEB?! j/k. Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Me: Press and hold Tab and it tells you who is on. Person 1: I'm too lazy. Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1: IS TREVOR ON? Person 1 Has been kicked by *Mod Name* Reason: Spam. Few minutes ago I encountered this: Guy: Can anyone please give poor little me some cobble?? Me being nice tries to /v guy's name to find his res is on smp2. Girl: Can anyone please give me cobble? Me to guy: I would if I knew where you were. Girl: My res. I gave her three stacks. Guy: THIS SERVER IS SEXIST AND RACIST! He had been on her res the whole time and when I got there had left it.