It would be awesome if Empire could make a Race For The Wool Team and try to win a tournament. I'm open all weekend so we can get started if anyone cares. Also, please, tell me your experience in PvP, and when you are available(Put time zones into consideration). Also, skype is a +. Team: xxANGELWINGSxx d1223m Crazy DarkRuler There has been interest but not enuff. I think the general opinion is to have some EMC teams/games. As for EMC hosting... Im not so sure, as previously discussed, its PVP. Saying that, Id suggest if we can get enuff people together we just play a couple of friendly games to start with. I can host games, I have decent server going spare ( well its not decent but enuff for 8 players ) I can play GMT past 6pm days or pretty much any time over the weekends.
You seem to have enough people to have 1-2 Teams enter. This may be possible if someone starts running their mouth on servers. We may only need 4 People. 8 for scrimming, ofc. Also, it is going to be Map 2(Direct Fire) If we get 2 more people.