One million rupee giveaway!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LZBZ_DW, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. That Australia is western coast. Eastern is 5:00am.
    topdawg657 likes this.
  2. Cool. I didn't know that. Thanks.
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. The Party is tomorrow!!!
  4. I'm looking forward to it!!! I can't wait!!!
  5. :eek:
  6. I'm already on the res on smp7 so all I have to do is log on when it's close to time.
  7. That's correct... I would guess this is roughly half of what is going to be dropped. That being said, there are only a total of 2 full doublechests of diamonds, most of the other chests are full of lvl 30 enchanted gear, emeralds, and other goodies.
    penfoldex, mba2012 and Chascarrillo like this.
  8. Wow. It will be epic.
    Hahaha me too :p
    Btw, good idea to put enderchests so we can store the items we get :D
    NoobOfEpicness and codygraw101 like this.
  9. about 14 hours... :D
  10. Alright, 3 hours later, and with Gremlindan's help, all of the dispensers are filled and the drop is 14.5 hours and a flip of a switch away!

    Remember guys 1900 GMT

    Pacific 12:00 PM noon
    Mountain 1:00 PM
    Central 2:00 PM
    Eastern 3:00 PM
  11. holy ICC... time to log on as my alts and just post em around :p
  12. This is going to be one heck of a drop party…
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. 20:00 GMT+1, right? :p
  14. I CAN´T WAIT!!!
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  15. im hoping i dont miss this XD
  16. about 2 hours to go
  17. Hour and a half now!
    LZBZ_DW likes this.
  18. I can't wait!