Bad language

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Lone_Assassin17, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. There is never any excuse to type a swear word into chat. Unless you're using some sort of speech to text program, there is never anything unintentional about it. You have to think it, then type it, then deliberately press enter.

    Regarding where the line is defining excessively foul, US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart put it nicely in a statement regarding an obscenity case:
    I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  2. Lone, When and Who Have been doing it? i usally correct people after the 2-3 time.
  3. Like people who type in caps and then say sorry, surely you can see you are writing in caps, and then rewrite it, instead of just saying sorry.
  4. I could see that happening as a mistake. Most of the time though, they know exactly what they are doing and that they aren't supposed to do it, but do it anyway then apologize.
  5. That has been brought up Red, but it would cause too much in game lag.
  6. I've seen lot's of people use bad words such as crap. Perhaps thats what your talking about... I don't see it as excessive fowl language and let it go but I do get worried when people start using actual swear words, that's when I use /report ;)
  7. Well... not to be THAT person, but i believe that you can say the F-word once in a PG movie:rolleyes:
  8. do you have a log on chat? because i don't know if i should bother taking a screenshot or not.
  9. Yes, yes, but if we found some way to reduce the lag... I might talk to Aikar about it, as he is quite good at programming.
  10. I made a plugin exactly like that. It causes too much lag and gives people an excuse to type cusses. I'd rather just have the chat logged.
  11. Oh, alright.
  12. Still a great idea though, but it just causes too much lag.
  13. Well this was a shocker 2012-10-09_21.55.53.png
  14. As far as I've come to understand dang and crap are not cursing yet people wet their pants over them. Those are about the only words I ever try to use. I like how everyone seems to argue and even in that screenshot that piss is not a bad word.

    piss   [pis] Show IPA noun, verb pissed, piss·ing. Vulgar .

    verb (used without object) urinate.
    3.piss away, Slang . to squander; fritter away:
    4.piss off, Slang . anger. go away; leave (often used imperatively).
    5.take a piss, to urinate.

    1250–1300; Middle English pissen < Old French pissier < Vulgar Latin *pisiāre (imitative)

    Of topic:
    Apparently Max is going to have to post a thread that says I AM FEMALE because that is the fourth person I have seen call her a He.
  15. I always wondered - is it alright to swear with friends in PM's and such? I don't really see an issue with it though. :)
  16. It becomes a habit, that's why.
  17. I was told before that it was allowed as long as the other person explicitly (no pun intended) said earlier to you (via PM or /Tell) that they were fine with it:)
  18. i was there when bigdavei kicked dreacon