well i canceled my diamond subscription

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Michael_Nolan, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. you cant "Extend" yours. It bills automatically as soon as it ends.
  2. Actually, you can. It doesn't bill automatically with Prepaid cards.

    I extended my subscription to August 28th.

    Nice attempt to thinking you're right on everything, though. It completely worked.
  3. I fail to see logic in any of this.
  4. I think this is a troll thread.
    IcecreamCow and LZBZ_DW like this.
  5. Ok people, Obviously none of you know Nolan. HE IS SERIOUS. As a non supporter I have non of these problems, but I agree with Nolan. The solution is to make it so that no matter what time it is they can sleep in the bed. It'll look weird but itll make cat man happy.
    zeke1o0o likes this.
  6. I too must agree that this is absolutely outrageous. I must cancel my diamond supporter, no-sleep in beds is destroying the Empire.
  7. Is that you, Rob?
  8. this was the last straw for me, however i dont play much on the empire any more. If they were to add something like a prison server i would definitely put my diamond supporter on. i miss being able to lay in my bed, also u dont know my bed it does shoot rainbows out if it when i lay in it so :p

    Chascarrillo and zebrafishcat like this.
  9. I wonder if that is how ghasts started out.
  10. I've been trying hard...I really have. Nothing.
  11. onedoesnotsimply1.jpg
  12. If you cannot understand I will tell you.

    We miss sleeping in beds.
    We miss being annoyed by monsters around
    We miss the possibility to spawn in the wall and die
    We miss the possibility of being woken up by monsters
    We miss the possibility of having lava put around us while we lie in bed
    We miss the animation of sleeping
    We miss blowing up
    We miss blowing up the Ender Dragon with beds
    We miss forgetting about the never sleep in the nether and blowing up our homes.
    We miss the adventure of running from spawn back to the nether to get our stuff when we die
    We miss yelling at people to sleep
    We miss the old bed
    Plus we thought EMC was "vanilla"
    zeke1o0o likes this.
  13. ...I'm really tired, so I can't tell if I'm being trolled or not.
    Happyshopper and HylianNinja like this.
  14. lol
  15. No kidding, that last post nearly made me want to punch someone:
    Is this more of that stupid "The truth is" spam?
    Curundu likes this.
  16. I hope that's a joke
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Let me get this clearly
    Are you cancelling becuse you can't sleep in a bed?
  18. Yes