About me...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Sharpie42, Feb 1, 2025.


Do you like Lego and build it

Yes 13 vote(s) 81.3%
No 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I like it but don't build it 3 vote(s) 18.8%
I hate it with the power of 1000 suns!!! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Ok so I think I have done an about me already but I want to do another one. I am Sharpie42, I have been on this server for about 7.8 years. Not the longest but pretty long. I have most recently been busy IRL with building Lego. I love Lego and I have been building it most of my life. As a child I built castle sets and now I build just about everything. I have a small city in my office and it needs some work but as we all know Lego is expensive, and I don't have the pieces that I need. I am getting there though.

    Here are some pictures of my Lego city and some of the builds that I have done. One of my favorite sets is the Stitch set in the picture

    If you have any questions let me know
  2. Wow, very nice!! :D
    I am not very interested into LEGO these days, but I do have a couple of sets, and usually take a look at the LEGO section when I'm in a toy store, just for fun.
    We3_MPO, Wayneoffgrid and Sharpie42 like this.
  3. It feels like 1/4th of my paycheck goes into Legos. I've got a good load of the Minecraft sets. I've just started digging into the technic sets and I love em. Always good to see Sharpie in the player tab!
    We3_MPO, 607 and Sharpie42 like this.
  4. AFOL and a RLUG member here!! I built with Lego's when I was a child, but stopped building until I got my own apartment. And after covid, I joined local RLUG and have been attending 4-5 Lego shows in a year after that. I do buy sets, but I build mostly MOC's. My best MOC so far is a mortall engine type of a moving city and at the moment I'm planing a next one, 3rd version of it.

    The lady in the house likes and builds Botanical sets, you can blame me for it that she also is interested in Lego as an adult fan. :D
    607 and Sharpie42 like this.
  5. You missed one choice in the multiple choice offerings:
    Do you have mixed emotions on Lego products because of a foot injury you sustained in the past, due to an amateur builder? Or do you recoil at the sharp, pointy edges of the Lego building products? You may have a case to be made in front of the Lego courts! Call a Lego lawyer today 1-800-LEGOLAW

    I love looking at the legos in the toy aisle, even as an adult. I enjoy the sensation of running my fingers through the pile of lego pieces when 100s of them are poured out onto the carpet. We did exactly this on my parent's living room floor on the day after my brother got married. There was family there and kids and someone got out the box of Legos from when my brother was a kid. They got dumped out and we all sat around the floor and started sorting out pieces to build with. We had fun... until someone scattered a few and there were pieces underfoot and someone ... stepped on those pieces and screamed bloody murder.

    I have suffered a number of Lego-related foot injuries. I find myself to be more safety minded than others when dealing with any Legos. I wish you a safe building environment, but my question is this: Any other Disney Lego builds, besides the Stitch?
    607, We3_MPO and Sharpie42 like this.
  6. use to have a heap of legos as a kid, I was keen on all the modular sets, when Lego wasn't plastic gold. I had all the modular sets up until townhall where I just grew out of it and sold them all.
    607 and Sharpie42 like this.
  7. Nice collection! :)
    Sharpie42 likes this.
  8. I had two sets when I was a kid. All the bricks were white and the roof pieces were those texture red triangle pieces. That was my go to toy when it was raining out. I could build a house with a garage and a light house. When we had a kid I over compensated and bought him 100's of sets and I enjoyed helping him build each set. Awesome memories! Time doesn't permit me to sit in a circle of legos anymore but maybe someday.
    607, We3_MPO and Sharpie42 like this.
  9. Your Lego creations are beautiful! :love: :<3:
    Sharpie42 likes this.
  10. thank you
    We3_MPO likes this.
  11. Very nice. I have a number of lego sets including some quite rare ones, such as the yellow castle set.
    I used to make stop motion with my castle sets, oh, about 45 years ago... was my favorite hobby at that time...
    607, We3_MPO and Sharpie42 like this.
  12. my brother and I collected the black falcon sets in the late 80s early 90s. they are quite rare now
    We3_MPO likes this.
  13. Ha, those are the same i made movies with, still my favorites. Enemies were.red.

    Also like the old star wars sets, have a few Jango ships
    We3_MPO and Sharpie42 like this.
  14. Oh yeah, Lego is great for stopmotions! Duplo works too, of course.
    I just remembered that this is Sharpie42's introduction thread though, and not a Lego thread, so I'm not sure if it's appropriate to share any from my youth. :p
    Sharpie42 likes this.
  15. it is a little bit of both i didnt know where to post my lego that i wanted to post so i posted it here. so i am more then fine if you talk about lego on here
    607 likes this.
  16. Well, then here are the two stopmotion videos that I thought of when reading Raaynn's post. :cool:

    Here's one that my father made with me (to be honest I'm not sure if I did anything other than looking on :p) almost 20 years ago now:

    And here's one I made myself 13 years ago, when I was 13.

    Raaynn, do you have any of your old stopmotions?
    Raaynn likes this.
  17. Lol
    Lol, unfortunately no. They were made on a VHS camcorder long long ago, in a galaxy far far away....
    607 likes this.