{Giveaway} Beginnings on EMC! - Celebrating our times on EMC

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Raaynn, Aug 1, 2024.


Do you remeber your start on EMC?

Poll closed Aug 26, 2024.
Yes, clearly 12 vote(s) 54.5%
Yes quite a bit 6 vote(s) 27.3%
Somewhat 4 vote(s) 18.2%
Barely 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. So It is that time once again, a new writing giveaway, to go along with a new head to give out, HistoRaaynn!... its EMCs Birthday this month, and as announced a few days ago ingame, this years topic is Your Beginnings On EMC!

    In the Beginning

    Sometimes simplicity rises
    like a blossom of fire
    from the white silk of your own skin.
    You were there in the beginning
    you heard the story, you heard the merciless
    and tender words telling you where you had to go.
    Exile is never easy and the journey
    itself leaves a bitter taste. But then,
    when you heard that voice, you had to go.
    You couldn't sit by the fire, you couldn't live
    so close to the live flame of that compassion
    you had to go out in the world and make it your own
    so you could come back with
    that flame in your voice, saying listen...
    this warmth, this unbearable light, this fearful love...
    It is all here, it is all here.

    - David Whyte

    So tell us YOUR OWN story, (no, poems are not a requirement! lol) using a written book ingame for Historys sake at the archives. Your Start here, games you enjoyed, your starter stories, your thoughts at first, your favourite memories, your persona, whatever comes to mind...

    Remember This?

    There will be 3 methods of winning prizes... my new HistoRaaynn Head (and certificate) along with a Diamond Voucher and other goodies (Full set of original U1 Starter Gear, and full history series of books by Raaynn) will go to the Judges Choice (myself being the judge) of the *most interesting story (obviously my favourite)...

    And next- all authors will be put into random draws: for various promos and valuables, rupees, and so forth, including Historic Promos such as: Fireworks (a 2012, 2x 2013, 3x 2014, 10x 2015) a 2020 Aikar Head and Supporter Thank You, a 2020 Krysyy Head and Signature, 2013 Turkey Slicer, Metor Bow, Pot of Gold, 2016 Liberty Sword, 2016 Haunted Head, 2016 Headless Horseman, 2016 Candy Cane Sword, Set of Minecoin Hat & Shirt, .... (will add as items occur to me)

    And for those who dont write, a 3rd prize for responding to this thread will be drawn randomly.

    Prize pool available for preview at 12022 (chest to the right)

    *No Alts Please. 1 entry per player. (2 copies of book)

    Go on then, give us your best stories.......!!!!

    EVENT IS OPEN UNTIL August 25th 2024. EXTENDED til 31st

    Entry Requirements: Written book- Your Beginnings on EMC! (2 copies).
    Option: MAIL to Raaynn or submit at the tower mailbox 12022
    NO Alts please….
    Entry Deadline: August 31st, 2024
    Prize Location: smp6 /v 12022

    See you after the 25th :) 31st...

    In the meantime, check out THIS Blast from the Past Video!

    CYA Soon!
  2. It was a very tough call, but decision has been made, and all prizes have been sent out now.
    All books are available to read on smp6, at @12022 RR

    First, random draw went to post #1, 100,000 rupees to Dreacon!!

    Thanks to all who wrote and sent in their histories, and in the end it was so close I had to give 1st place to Two people, for the shear effort put into both histories. Eveeryone who entered will win a prize box though, and the 2 first place winners each receive 100,000 rupees, as well as another 100,000 rupees divided between the other 4 submissions!

    Congratulations to ThaKloned and FadedMartian!!

    Tuqueque, Fred_TWK and ThaKloned like this.
  3. Is there a length limit? lol
    KatydidBuild, ThaKloned and Raaynn like this.
  4. not for I, just the length of a book (100 pages)
  5. Was just about to ask :D I've always wanted to try and write my EMC story and this got me motivated. No doubt I can likely fill a few books so I will stick to my EMC beginnings and maybe do up a few more books for a later time :D
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  6. I guess I'll get in-game and knock out a book on me origins.
    fadedmartian and Raaynn like this.
  7. I actually remember creating this specific video for some reason.
  8. Visceral nostalgia, holy cow that hit hard
    fadedmartian and ThaKloned like this.
  9. 1s upon a time a young knigt joined emc
    not knowing what path was infront of him hé made some mestakes hé did blow some things up
    yes hé made some pipel angry but after a while hé
    did make efry thing rigt and started farming and goin on adventures mainly blowing up stuf
    Mountain have turned into dust by this 1s tinny knigt that 1s got a laptop and minecraft for cristmas in 2014 and did never stop

    note im gona rite this in book form but i found inspiration
    KatydidBuild and EvilBlo like this.
  10. will be writing my story this afternoon :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  11. also is it possible to see if those who submit their stories if they'd be willing to make copies publicly available for those of us interested in adding them to our library collection? :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  12. Will have to ask the authors....

    And bump!
    fadedmartian likes this.
  13. oh boy, I'm just seeing this. Will see what I manage to do in 2 days:eek:
    ThaKloned, Raaynn and fadedmartian like this.
  14. I remember my start on this Empire fondly.
    Will see what I can do about a book.
    Raaynn and Fred_TWK like this.
  15. submitted mine :D (one copy sent via mail and the other placed in the 12022 mailbox)
    Raaynn likes this.
  16. I sent my copies! Not sure if I had given you a copy already, but my 30 page already written emc biography felt like the perfect book to submit for this.

    enjoy :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  17. Ba BUMP! I am off to hot springs tomorrow, songoing to extended submission time until Sunday the 31st, for those who still plan to submit..
    Fred_TWK and fadedmartian like this.
  18. I am Returned! and working my way through the stories. Results to follow soon....