block that gives signal before a restart

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by daanhu, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. so i was wachting hermitcraft docm77 vidioe the beacon part
    normaly on a minecraft server that system would break most of the time becouse is was unloaded while pistons where firering or other things
    so my sugestion is a simular block that would
    basicly give a signal 1 minut or 2 before a restart if the chunks are loaded alows to farm to shut down and when the chunks get loaded again gives a signal to turn the farm on again maybe it would be cool to make it a tokens reward so u cant just spam them efry where

    in the vidioe they used a depowered redstone block texture i dont know how this can be achieved on emc maybe a dayligt detector or somting
    607 and PetezzaDawg like this.
  2. EMC doesn't custom code blocks
    Joy_the_Miner and Fred_TWK like this.
  3. Less to do with whether 'we', EMC, does or doesn't code custom blocks. Restarts can be unpredictable in a way that make obsolete the usefulness of any such block. You can't predict all times when an area unloads. On top of that, I don't see any practical way to implement your suggestion.
    607 and Fred_TWK like this.
  4. how are restarts unpredictable? If you mean the server restart might be off by a couple seconds, the block daanhu is suggesting gets around this by sending the signal at the first warning of a restart, so it has time to properly send a signal. Also, it’s not about protecting it from all unloads, just server restarts.
  5. yea more like a extra fail save that would be nice and the like restarts will give like a warning infront rigt
  6. How are regular unloads different than server restarts? I don't understand the use case of this.

    Regardless, this seems like it would be a waste of my time to develop compared to literally anything else. I can't dedicate time towards something I see as useless.
    Fred_TWK likes this.
  7. I think they want to AFK without risk during server restart times
    Rhyblet and PetezzaDawg like this.
  8. You could try to modify the redstone to be unload resistant.
    Tuqueque and Fred_TWK like this.