EMC Nature Program [Screenshot Competition]

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Tuqueque, May 9, 2024.

  1. Hello, Minecraft sometimes gives us many beauties in world generation, and so I thought of this idea.

    Take pictures of the "natural wonders" of the sceneries and landscape of our Frontier!

    Participation awards
    First time posting 1000r
    First time posting with shaders 1000r
    Continued pictures 100r / each (Max of 5k per month per player)
    Best picture of the month: 5k (chosen by Tuq)
    Most liked picture of the month: 5k

    Cool additions to your post would be coordinates or location so that people might know how to visit such magnificent places! Maybe it is a great location at your outpost which you would like to share with the community!

    Hoping to see some great pictures soon =D

    Read this if you need help sharing the pictures. https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/posting-an-image/
  2. im always in the wilderness so have a couple of pictures

    both are on smp1 wilderness somewhere near 14k, 7k

    villages are nature right?

    trail ruins cannot generate exposed to air, causing this weird lump to appear when a ruin generates somewhere it shouldn't

  3. Huh, those are interesting! Although I doubt whether they were quite what Tuqueque had in mind. :p
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Some Frontier farmlands perhaps?
    Location: My outpost
    MoreMoople, 607 and Tuqueque like this.
  5. I can take a a few screenshots probably during the weekend, or at least search through my logs for them, to post some myself.!

    I’ll probably add more “categories” for natural generation (including villages, temples and whatnot, “only nature” , and something like urban/combination, to showcase how players have adapted to existing terrain (without much terraforming, hopefully, but I doubt we can judge that for certainty and would only trust the photographer/builder for that guarantee)

    Regardless, thank you for the pictures so far!
    But in general, all is welcome! 😊
    607 likes this.
  6. I was not expecting to participate in this thread, as I don't play Minecraft anymore—but when I went to take a screenshot for the Piwi Day 2024 thread, I was surprised by quite the sight at the Wastelands West outpost on smp8!

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of two to five blocks floating in mid-air somewhere, but I do enjoy the larger clumps like the one you see at the right. The overhang on the left is also cool, and the weird shape that goes up to the top!
    MoreMoople and Tuqueque like this.