[AMA/Giveaway] Ask Moople Anything! (2023)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MoreMoople, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. Happy Birthday Moopies!!!
    Congrats on nearing 8 years! :D

    I told you she was a frog lady... but nobody listens...:rolleyes:
  2. Hmm, I guess I would change the Wiki pages to say that I'm the owner, haha. Aside from that, I wouldn't say there's much I would want to change that I can't already work on from where I'm at. :)

    Thanks, crystal! Happy birthday to youuuu! :D <3

    I would want to live in Grosse Pointe, Michigan! I think it's a beautiful area with all of the trees and the lake. I also LOVE the style of a lot of the architecture in the area. It's so fun to walk around and visit the Edsel and Eleanor Ford Estate. :D

    1. yes
    2. I do drive a car. It is a car.
    3. MoreMoople is an orange tabby cat :D
    4. I haven't intentionally eaten insects! But possibly by mistake.
    5. I have not ever ridden a unicycle, but I had a neighbor who rode one
    6. I do like your skin, very cool
    7. The cat named MoreMoople is actually Orlando. I got him when I was 3 years old, and for some reason I thought his original name was "Moremoo," so that's what I started calling him. Over the years, it just became Moremoople. When my dad made my Minecraft account, he capitalized the second M, and tada, MoreMoople was created.
    8. Ummm, I guess I like the design on the golden dollar coins!
    9. I have not watched Star Wars
    10. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2!
    11. More questions do not give additional entries, sorry.
    12. Perhaps...
    13. I don't play with sounds on, so I'm not really sure which sounds I would like, haha. Pigstep is cool though :)
    14. wat?
    15. Potato!
    16. Why not both?

    Thank you, Ori!
  3. 1. Yes! 1.19 is cool :D
    2. Armor trims are neat and I look forward to them!
    3. 1.19 in general? Frogs.
    4. 1.19, because frogs ;)
    5. The 1.18 terrain is pretty cool!
    6. I do like music!
    7. I like the flute -- I don't play regularly anymore, but it's fun to bring out on occasion.
    8. I like a lot of songs! It depends on the moment, but "Weddings & Funerals" by Royal & the Serpent is one I had on repeat for quite some time. :)
    9. Unfortunately, I cannot supply
    10. It is not green, but I wish it was! My dream car is currently a green mini cooper :D
    11. They are decent size windows
    12. Not sure how tall the door is, but I am nowhere near hitting my head on it
    13. I like Minecraft explosions ;)
    14. Good question! I have no clue, but I would estimate over 25
    15. Depends on the moment. My schedule is pretty packed, but I enjoy sitting criss cross applesauce on my office chair :cool:

    1. My name is Sir Moopsalot of Empire Minecraft
    2. My quest is to seek the Holy Grail
    3. I am for it being a fun word to try to say ;)

    I don't think so! I'll have to visit someday. :D
  4. Do you like mashed potatoes? Why or why not?
  5. I LOVE mashed potatoes, BUT I only like them the way my dad makes them. Real potatoes, lots of butter, no garlic or anything... mmmm.
    UnrealMadrid123, We3_MPO and triphora like this.
  6. Thank you all for the birthday wishes and questions! The RNG overlords have spoken, and the three winners of my head and signature are.... *drumroll*

    Wafflecoffee (Triphora), We3_MPO, and Sharpie42! I will be sending those out shortly, so check your mail. :D
  7. Thank you, and congratulations to my fellow winners triphora and Sharpie42! That was very nice of you!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. Thank you i will have it forever
    NuclearBobomb, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Happy (belated) Birthday Moople !!!!

    May you get fireflies/butterflies from Mojang to liven up your froggy nights!!
    MoreMoople, We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  10. um you try ing to kill her fire flies are deadly we dint get 2 pixel mob bevouse they poison to frogs
    We3_MPO likes this.

  11. 🦋 💚 🦋 💚 🦋
  12. i dont have an active memory of saying um fire flies dint poison frogs
    note that cant be me that hole sintence just to corect
    fire flies not poisoning frogs ar lies made up by faded martian
    We3_MPO likes this.