[EVENT] The Big Dig!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MoreMoople, Feb 3, 2023.

  1. Host: MoreMoople
    When: March 8th, 10:30 PM (EMC time)
    Where: TBA

    Help us dig a large hole to bedrock, one layer at a time! :D
  2. been a while since ive seen this :eek: hope ill be able to make it :)
    FadedMartian, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  3. ooo i might hop in
    surely i wont place 1,000+ crafting tables
    MoreMoople and We3_MPO like this.
  4. Sounds like my kind of event šŸ˜Ž Iā€™m hoping to be there šŸ˜€
    MoreMoople and We3_MPO like this.
  5. I really enjoy these events. I'll be there at some point but not at 2.
    MoreMoople and We3_MPO like this.
  6. If you decide on the spot where to do it, you're welcome to use my stony peaks quarry on SMP6. It's near /waste ne, and
    there's a mining trail for people to conveniently return home. Still, you don't have to; it's up to you. Just letting you know that the option is there.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. i will be there :D
    We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  8. Hope unearth an ancient city. would be so rad
  9. That might be a comical point in the dig especially if more than one Warden spawns in response to all the block breaking.
  10. I'd like to see a swarm of wardens spawn. Madness.
  11. One of my personal favorites! Wish I could join you all! Have good time!!!:D
    We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  12. Thank you all for coming to today's Big Dig! The event lasted 7 hours, but at last, we made it to bedrock! It was great to hang out with all of you. :D

    A few pictures:

  13. I don't know... it sure looks like you didn't clear out that obsidian block! I call foul

  14. Do the flop, and never regretti the spaghetti :rolleyes:
  15. Is the March 7th a typo?

    I've been looking forward to a Big Dig for a very long time and I hope I didn't just sleep through it.
    We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  16. Yes, thank you for pointing that out! I've corrected it. :)
    We3_MPO likes this.
  17. Lets dig ! See you all there.
    MoreMoople and We3_MPO like this.
  18. Yeah Man, can you dig it?!
    We3_MPO, MoreMoople and AncientTower like this.