May or may not have just went on a spending spree here. Got the flags of the United Kingdom, Wales, England, Northern Ireland, (my ancestry + where I live) and Serbia (the country where my heart is because I'm cheesy). They look very good and you can instantly recognise which country they belong to, which seriously surprised me because... well, they were made with Minecraft. Would definitely recommend.
Thread is now in the business listing category! This won’t change the fact that it is a non-profit shop since it is a PTU
Bump! The shop is still running! If there are any flags which are out of stock please message this account as Tuqueque has left EMC. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! As for PTU news, any projects remaining will resume their progress on Summer 2019
Sadly, you cannot hang banner sideways(but maybe in the future if Mojang decides to add that feature). Either way, the flags models can still be recognized if they are placed vertically. Additionally, you can add banners to shields which look great (you have to install a resourcepack so models don't loose resolution on the shields). Examples of how they look on shields from 2016:
Hello People! Since it’s been a long time gonna do an update. Still see quite a couple of people buying flags every few weeks or so, even without advertisements, but since I have missed some of the World Flags days these past years I’m here to tell you that this service still exist =D Now, I’ll check all inventory tomorrow morning, so that everything is on stock. I’ll also start changing the shop signs from Tuqueque to BankingClan. And PS for those that do not know, this is a shared account between senior smp8 PWU members/admins, but mostly Tuqueque as of recently. Not sure if any patterns need to be updated, but I’ll also check that aswell Edit: I've checked most popular flags, and they still on stock. I'm going to start changing the Shop signs, once I get some clarifications from Chickneer regarding some issues, I'm having.
Hello People the flag shop has a new design! I have re-organized the shop by continents first, and the alphabetically within each continent section. (there were a couple of flags I skipped accidentally and I realized too late, so those might be at the end of a section... I'll fix that eventually) I'm also planning on adding info books for all the flags so you get to learn a little bit about the country / flag. Step on the copper plates to read the books! Country Name, Capital, Languages, Location, and National Dish (Food)! Countries I've done so far as examples. Afghanistan, Mexico, Costa Rica and Paraguay I've transferred all shopsigns from Tuqueque to BankingClan account, and should be a less laggy location since remote signs are being used.
That sounds fun, I'll have another visit if you get some more of those books in! I'm sure you'll learn something yourself as well in the process.
Yearly Bump! With Empires arriving and Work varying between super busy and regular busy (compared to previous months of constantly super busy) I’ll try to restart the completion process for this shop. All shop signs are up and running but some nifty features never announced in last years design revamp still need to be ironed out. Flag day is coming soon as well might host something
Bump! I've taken a long break from minecraft, but tonight I've taken up on the task on creating those info books of all countries, was able to tackle a few down!