[Suggestion] Add mountains/rivers/scenery at the edges of town

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Eclipsys, Jan 21, 2022.


What do you think of this idea?

+1 I want this! 30 vote(s) 83.3%
-/- I want this, but... 4 vote(s) 11.1%
-1 I don't want this. 2 vote(s) 5.6%
  1. We could bring back the original world border. I think I heard before I joined, at some point in EMC's history. There was a bedrock wall border.

    Edit: if it wasn't obvious this is a joke, it is.

    In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the town border. Less than 9% of residences are on the edge and there are no guarantees we won't expand out an extra row in the future (although unlikely).
    Seems like a lot of work for something so few would benefit from, not to mention the hassle
  2. I really love the idea but if I had choose what I wanted SS, Admin, whoever to spend their free time on, I'd love to see more time and effort put into Updating Empires and implementing some of the things they have mentioned. If it means taking free time these people have during a busy life to either work on town borders or get to their bucket list of what they envisioned Empires to be done, I'd choose the latter. I'd prefer a game update over a deco project. There has been tons of suggested improvements I'd love to see at some point. I thought I read Chicken write somewhere that it could be a while before 1.19 is out and that would give some free space to work on other things.

    Back to this matter, it sounds like to me it's been discussed and isn't feasible or reasonable at this time. Maybe in the future, who knows. I've enjoyed reading about this and everyones input.
    We3_MPO, 607, khixan and 3 others like this.
  3. At this point, I also don't think this would be worth it. But what do I know, I don't play on EMC. :p
    What do you think, Eclipsys?
    In any case I think this has been one of the best discussions on EMC in years. :D I think all points that are to be made have been made though, pretty much.