The last too comment on this thread wins

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Eclipce, Sep 26, 2018.


Am I annoying?

No 27 vote(s) 17.8%
Very 13 vote(s) 8.6%
Not really 9 vote(s) 5.9%
Yes 15 vote(s) 9.9%
A little 6 vote(s) 3.9%
Who are you? 70 vote(s) 46.1%
I told you to go away 12 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. This was supposed to be ded
  2. A dog named blue.
    CardInAction likes this.
  3. They do exist....
    CardInAction likes this.
  4. or do they? ;)
    CardInAction likes this.
  5. That's something we will....
  6. ...find out eventually...
  7. but we are better off not knowing.
  8. lol this is still going
  9. how is this still going?
  10. Because people are curious.
  11. Oh, that makes sense.
  12. i thought this died
  13. Nah, it's like a Zombie.
  14. NNnoooo...

    I thought we had a chance at burying this for good...
  15. Haven't you seen a living dead movie? A Zombie could be six feet under but it always manages to get a hand above ground by the end of the movie. Just in time for sequel. 🙂
  16. The last too comment on this thread wins 2: Electric Boogaloo