[Suggestion] Passive Withers

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by PetezzaDawg, Jul 15, 2020.


To Wither or not to Wither

Witheryes 8 vote(s) 66.7%
Witherno 4 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. Hey all, as is undoubtedly clear at this point, I really love withers, and I've always liked the idea of keeping withers caged up. My suggestion is either A: Allow us to summon non aggressive withers that cannot break blocks or have any utility other than aesthetics, and possibly no boss bar on our residences, or B: Have withers on difficulty 7+ have a small chance to drop a Wither Pearl. This special renamed item can summon a wither on your residences and is a one time use item. It is a renamed enchanted ender pearl with the lore: The power of a wither contained within. Let me know what you think!
  2. I like the idea of a passive wither for it would not grief the wastelands when it goes after random animals or villagers. Though the idea of a wither pearl is good I think the coding might have some coding that might have issues (that's what I think...) +0.5
  3. It wouldn't drop a star or anything, purely for aesthetics, so there's no point to spawn one in the waste
  4. No point, but there is also no point in griefing but people do it XD
  5. I would not really care for this, to be honest. I don't think I would decorate something with a wither, howerver, I can see this being something people would like. :)

    I guess this sugegstion could also be expanded such that more mobs can summon their own Maybe anraged zombies could drom something like this, that makes you able to spawn a passive zombie (in town too,) which could be used to decoration.

    The coding probbaly won't be too hard. for a passive wither: just make an item that, when left-clicked on, first removes it self, and then executes the code to spawn a wither with {NoAI:1,Invunerable:1,Silen:1b}. This will make it sit passivly in its place, and be scilent and invunreble to damage exept the void and players in creative mode. I could probably get this far with command blocks. The boss-bar I do not know: but it seems it is not too difficult to alter it :p
    There would also have to be a way to remove it, for which I think just clicking it might not be an option. It could be made not invureble, and just have it be killed for another wither star.
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  6. What is the counter to the inevitable question of why this is more important than intended game mechanics?
    Krysyy likes this.
  7. How would you stop the Nether star from dropping?
    Stnywitness likes this.
  8. I really don't like the "passive wither" idea, but I am in favor of the wither pearl idea!
    Cyberazaz101 likes this.
  9. What does that even mean, they're inextricably linked
    Aikar adds custom drops all the time. I don't see why he can't take them away.

    I don't know what you mean by 'more important' It is not infringing on existing mechanics. All it is is decorational, I think it's fun to toy around with stuff like this. Minecraft's a sandbox game, I don't believe in the traditional thinking of intended when it comes to minecraft. This just seems unnecessarily negative. I'm simply saying it'd be cool to have a wither boss wandering around your res the same way it's cool to have a snow golem or an iron golem.

    I feel like you both misunderstood what I want. No normal wither should be passive. Literally all I want is a passive wither that doesn't drop a nether star and just hangs around because it looks cool.
  10. But hostile mobs are intended to be hostile - requests to be able to move mobs that are intended to be hostile have been denied, and I feel like this falls into that category.
  11. But it has no functionality other than its aesthetics. I'm not saying have the ability to summon and kill withers in town. It's basically a statue. EMC does lots of things that Mojang didn't intend, for example you can place ender crystals in town if you own an OG Dragon egg. It's just a nice aesthetic thing. It doesn't fundamentally change anything.
    Egeau likes this.
  12. Whoops, I didn't see the purpose of the wither pearl...
    I don't think it needs to have an actual purpose, I think it would just look cool as a renamed item, ya know?

    I agree with this as well.
    True... but that is just an item being changed... your suggestion would be making a extremely hostile mob passive in certain circumstances. I feel like it would really change the overall feel for the creature...

    Normally, when you think of a wither you think of a terrifying boss mob of Minecraft. They don't deserve/need to be locked up as pets... It would totally take away the "charm" of the boss mob. Just imagine an ender dragon being locked up as a pet...

    Allow us to summon?? At will? EMC doesn't allow people to simply summon mobs... they have to be acquired in some other manner.
  13. Argh, why did you even mentioned it, now I really want a dragon pet! :rofl: :lmao:
    crazyminerpete and Stnywitness like this.
  14. Again, what you seem to be missing is it loses ALL functionality besides its aesthetic. It's not like having a mob grinder in town. I'm not going to repeat this again.

    I don't think withers need to always be terrifying mobs, I just think it's cool too. We don't need yet another useless collectable.

    Literally nothing changes about withers normally. It doesn't change the feel because withers in the wild would still act the same. If you allow one feature to change how you think of a mob then that's kind of on you. Also, the Ender Crystal is this really bizzare looking device used to heal the most powerful mob in the game, so if it's 'just an item' then the wither is also 'just a mob'

    It doesn't need or deserve anything because it's an inaminate object in a sandbox game. I don't know how having a statue takes away from the feel of the wither, and if that's the case, beds not exploding in the nether takes away from the feel of the nether but I don't see anyone complain about that. Also an ender dragon being locked up would be quite cool
    That's how Withers work in Vanilla though.. you place 4 soulsand and 3 skulls, 'summoning' it.
    MyGlazedDonuts likes this.
  15. You are not allowed to have hostile mobs in town. Period.

    If Empire decided to add them into the server, they probably wouldn't start out with one of the bosses.

    I disagree, lol. The more useless collectables the better >:)

    I found this bit a bit confusing...
    What you are suggesting is having the ability to SUMMON a PASSIVE, BOSS mob in a server that does not allow for you to summon ANY hostile mob (or any other mob for that matter). The only way you are able to have creatures in your res is by using a promo (a horse for example), or by using a spawn egg for a passive mob ONLY. Sure, Empire added a "passive" ender crystal. Empire has added other items like that, that you would not normally be able to have within a residence. But they have never done hostile mobs before, and I believe they never will.

    Yeah... but empire isn't structured like that. Sure, you can do that in the wild and what not, but you shouldn't be able to do that in your own residence... that is just wrong... Does anyone else agree?
  16. I really don't get why this irks you so much. It's just a statue. I have no words left for this
    edit: Actually, I do. You say 'Empire isn't structured like this' But it's a video game. I'm not saying to take out some core mechanic. It would have literally no impact on you, it's a completely opt in feature. I feel like you're arguing for its own sake.
    Lily_Lil and wafflecoffee like this.
  17. I'm just sayin.... Empire most likely won't add this because they don't allow hostile mobs in residences. Done.
    HazardousCode likes this.
  18. The thought of hostile pets isn't in one of my "wants for the Empire"

    I'll pass on this suggestion