The date was March 2012. Minecraft was already a gaming sensation everyone was getting into. I was already into Minecraft when there was no hunger bar, there was no redstone (like today) it was pretty simple. I had dabbled into some servers but they were all faction pvp, prison, hunger games etc. I wanted to be part of a community inside a Minecraft server. Then I found EMC which I started to play. There was quite a few players. I joined and the SMP I got defaulted to was smp6 which I'm still loyal to today. When I first started I didn't know how to create shops or nothing. YouTube soon helped with that. My first build was a very basic wooden shack, which I had built a tiny shop, selling basics, like wooden planks, cobble, white wool and at the time you would get a few people coming and buying stuff from your shop and the community spirit was there, I didn't need any other Minecraft server because I found a gem. But my how things have changed, there still is the community spirit with the small numbers of players of today but I do miss how busy the server once was. I know things change, people change, people grow up and move on. This was my first memory of Empire. I hope you enjoy reading this post and hope you share your first memory of Empire.
My first memories include being dumbfounded with the commands. This was my first sever and I was lost for several days... okay, a month. Didn't dare go exploring other smps because I was afraid I would never find my way back. With help, I gained confidence and soon was exploring all over. I also remember being a little intimidated at interrupting chat to ask questions. So if I am able to, I always try to help answer questions, if I can. I want other players to experience that warm welcome that I first had.
I had just gotten minecraft back in 2012 and this was my first survival server, I remember the old empire shop/maze, around when ICC and JustinGuy were online. I also joined my first outpost on smp5 (before grief protection) when it kept getting griefed. Lowkey wish the people i met back then where still active today . Fun times back then haha
The first minecraft server I played on randomly went down (6d7 anyone?) and never came back, so I was looking for a new server and found EMC. I didn't want to read the signs or anything so I was just brute forcing the maze lol.
My first memory is reading about the EMC Firework and thinking "Wow, this sounds cool!". Yup, I've always been attracted to the forum more than the Minecraft server.
My memory is getting into my first ever server, having no clue about Minecraft. And getting taught everything by the friendly Nony and Nickblockmaster! And here I am, still playing on my first ever server.
My first memory was going through the tutorial and thinking it was the best thing ever! (It still had momentus in it and walked you through different places) Shortly after, I went out to the waste to get some supplies. I was totally terrified that I would do something wrong at some point and a scary staffer would ban me however, it's been nearly five years and I am now the (hopefully not too scary unless we're in firefloor) green bean.
I remember passing by JustinGuy while hacking and then finding out later that he was the owner of the server Good times
Hmm, well let's see, there was a sandstone maze tutorial when I first boarded. It was a fairly simple thing. I'd have to call this my first memory. It's been ages, but I think it had bedrock and lava? Anyhow, it actually held my interest both because it didn't appear to look like a ludicrous amount of useless information and the simplicity of it, that you'd think wouldn't be for a totally high traffic server. I strayed away from those, primarily for (at the time) the high count of troublemakers. There used to be a short tunnel underneath the town spawns where the tutorial teleported you to. This is where regular members would come to meet and greet the new players after they scurried through the tutorial for a warm welcome. And yes, we showered those people with items too. I used to have to keep a list on hand for all the commands I would need until I memorized them. Gidda66 and Kippy159 were among the first to help me get settled in. Thus, my journey took off like a shot. Oh, it was different in those days. You'd have a dozen members answer one new player's question. The chat was always flowing. Business dealings or offers, friends chillin, locals puttin' on an event, shop advertisements, and so forth. You'd see a little of everything no matter what server you were on. Properties were busy being repurposed into shopping malls, events, automated farms, and so on. And the only real downtime for player counts was in the middle of the night, but even at that, those foreign players from over yonder, kept it going pretty much throughout the whole night. Staff events would flood the server (I miss the old Mob-Arena), so if you weren't a supporter, you didn't get on your server. If you were already online, you would have hoped that you didn't lose your connection and your spot too. You wouldn't have seen a single server online, without anyone on it, unless a nightly reboot just initiated. Give it a second. . . Times have definitely changed around here, yes indeed! But, I still love it. I've got a few more years until I'm done. Maybe after the update, we'll get a fresh surge of inclined activity from both new and returning members.
*trying really hard to picture Moople being so new that she was scared of staff* cause she is SUCH a trouble maker... except for firefloor where she lets her inner-bad kid out to play with pyromaniac abandon
My first memory was a few weeks after being shown Minecraft by a friend, he told me about Emc. I joined the same Smp as him, Smp3 and stayed there ever since. My first memory on the server its self was immediately after completing the tutorial, going to a player shop my friend told me about, and spending all my ruppees on diamonds (back in the days when they were like 50r a piece) and iron. Then I went straight to wild (north outpost) and sailed across the massive ocean to meet my friend at his base so I could start adventuring with him. That base is still there and I visit it from time to time and remember what fun we had. My friend no longer plays and I'm rather inactive, but when 1.15 arrives I'll be back on Emc in full force.
My first memory is like 3 weeks ago when i first get on emc, I'm rather familiar with all the setting and world and shop and stuff(since I've been known to read almost any Wiki for extended amount of time happily). and the first thing i did that's worth telling is strip mining with starter pick. i got my first diamond in the mine. and then relying on the live map (yes read the wiki kid) I'll tp around and find people and go on a random adventure with them. i still remember these good old days(how old am i anyway xD)when i would help save people's stuff in a chest, and then tell them the coordinates. after that a really friendly ppl sold me an elytra for only 5.8k or something, and from then on I've started my journey of flying around finding people, and still going on a random yet great adventure with a random person. it's one of the sweetest memory I've ever had in Minecraft and that's why even with mods like Tinker's and Astral Sorcery to play with, I'll always go on emc, and hopefully participate in another random journey all in all, the best thing about Minecraft multiplayer is really only communicating and community. Empire Minecraft has both.
I remember that tutorial! Actually, the tutorial was probably the reason I stayed on the server in the first place. I wish they'd bring it back :( As for my first memory... well, the tutorial. However, after that, the first thing I can remember is teleporting to a bunch of different shops. This was back when the economy was still somewhat active, and I remember going around and seeing all of the different shops advertising "NEW! 1.12 Blocks!" I joined about a month and a half after the 1.12 update, so that was fun. I ended up creating my own shop called "Beeshop", which had a black and yellow concrete theme. Maybe I could bring it back for 1.15, haha. Beeshop eventually turned into CCS, or Color Covered Shop, which was made out of a rainbow of concrete colors. Those were the days.
Just thought I'd also add here because of members asking do u remember? Does anyone remember the EMC shop at town spawn hehe.