[IDEAS NEEDED] Promo Party

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Dufne, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Hi everybody! It's certainly been quite a while since I've been here, which leads me to my main idea here...

    I have so many promos. Some might call it too many.
    Since I don't play anymore, I'd like to send all my rares and promos back out into the world.. the market... whatever you'd like to call it.

    In order to do this, I'd like an event with as much chaos and despair as possible to go with it. Think BK or rhy vibes.

    In short, I'm looking for in game event ideas where I can give away a large amount of promos while people still have to *do* something. Not just wanting to do a giveaway or drop party where people stand around for free items. I was thinking something like a chest hunt or scavenger hunt, but I'd love to hear any chaotic (and perhaps BK-inspired?) event ideas you guys have to offer :)

    That's most likely unclear, but it's late and I just wanted to get this thread typed up before I slept-- so enjoy :D thank you all in advance!
  2. not sure if this is aloud or not but a parkour course with a entry fee, if you fall you have to pay again to get back in?
    Dufne likes this.
  3. The first official promo scarification where we take them to bks temple and burn them all
    Dufne likes this.
  4. You (the player) must construct a Rube Goldberg machine using minecraft blocks, physics, and such, and you (Duf) tour the rubes and judge them. Then, you assign placements and the higher the placement, the more valuable the prize.
    Ethy202 and Dufne like this.
  5. Some sort of progression event would be cool
    Like a competition where the farther you make it the more stuff you win
    You're guaranteed a win for entering but how good the prize is depends on how far you go
  6. So, here's a slightly modified version of what I suggested earlier

    You make a bunch of giant lava pits. Above the pits, you put a block in the middle and add a winding path of iron bars, glass panes, or whatever that leads away from the pit. In the center block, you spawn a donkey, give it a chest, and put one/multiple of your rares in there. Players have to hit the donkey with snowballs so that it gets knocked along the path, but if it falls into the lava, it dies and the items get destroyed. If they donkey makes it out, the person gets to keep whatever's in the donkey chest.

    HazardousCode, Dufne and 607 like this.
  7. Yesterday we were thinking murder firefloor ideas... so perhaps a Scavenger Firefloor over Lava Pit?

    Or a BK event where the Scavenger Chests drop into Lava after the timer runs out...

    Anything sinister sounds like fun.

    Or a huge duck with chests hidden throughout for a scavenger hunt, Dig Duck...

    But seriously.. as you probably have much to give.. various events may be easier like a scavenger hunt and a forum game.. firefloor... prizes for multiple winners.

    or easier, just come back. :)
  8. So, since you said you liked it, i'm yeeting the stuff from +breed here (mostly the pain trail and the maze)
    Dufne likes this.
  9. Could do a death maze out in the wastes or wild. Have it set up to where a wrong turn could definitely be your end. Forcing you to start over from the beginning and hope you don't go the same way again. xD Nothing explosive though of course. Don't want the maze being instantly wrecked after all. Then whoever manages to reach the end can win a random promo or promo's. Whatever is decided. Of course no one can use items of any kind in or out of the maze. So no armor, food potions etc. They either make it through barely alive or not at all! :p
    HazardousCode, 607 and Dufne like this.
  10. Fun Event I did a while ago was a mining party, get a bunch of expensive blocks and fill a res with them, hide some chests with items, pretty good time.
  11. A shifting maze full of chests?
    Dufne likes this.
  12. To add onto what I said. Could have drop off points where you fall into a pit of lava to die or just fall down a very deep hole and die on impact. Arrows fired at you, deadly potions, maybe rare spots where you'll have gravel/sand fall onto you suffocating and killing you. Of course people also aren't allowed to break blocks or place blocks in the maze too or kill one another. Would be too easy and cheaty. Plus it is a death maze after all :p Plus having it so they only get a promo from completing the maze. Makes it so poor innocent promo's aren't at risk of being destroyed and lost forever.

    Edit: Oh and fireballs too. Forgot about fire charges xD
    Dufne likes this.
  13. Fire charges are unfortunately disabled on EMC
    Dufne likes this.
  14. Ah dang. That sucks. Never used them in the wild or wastes so never knew
    Dufne likes this.
  15. You could give promos to everyone who replies in the thread until they are all gone
    ThaKloned, HazardousCode and Dufne like this.
  16. Honestly a chest hunt or scavenger hunt would be amazing, build something (like a giant duck statue) and hide a bunch of chests on a res and everyones gotta find em :p

    or you can make an invisible maze with tp signs
    Dufne likes this.
  17. Take a blank res (just filled with dirt) and bury chests with promos in it randomly underground. Then have players mine for them, kind of like the cake-eating event today. Also be sure to include dud, or empty, chests, and underground obstacles like spiderwebs and lava pools. I was planning to do something like this with MoofErm before he went derelict.
    607, HazardousCode and 4thOfJurhy like this.
  18. Do like hole in one. Just no trivia, have a tower up to the highest point the game will allow. Of course this is also in the wastes so people must die and climb their way all the way back to the top if they really want to try again. =P If they land in the hole AND survive (there will be water in the hole so they can live if/when they make it) then they win one promo. Randomly chosen by you or picked by them. Whichever you decide. Whether or not they can go again to try for another promo would be up to you as well.

    Edit: Also set up a ring of burning netherrack around the water hole. Just for added effect =P
    boscodo, 607 and Dufne like this.
  19. Ok i just had a really good idea actually.... set up obserd challenges like
    task 1 Players have to Completely empty a res of dirt,
    task 2 players have to fill it again completely with X block
    HazardousCode and Dufne like this.
  20. Whoever has the most promos wins, getting more promos, further creating a wealth gap :D
    In all seriousness, maybe a joke competition? You would set up a decibel meter and the louder the laugh the better the prizes.
    607 and Dufne like this.