EMC Reknown Question

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by speedfan05, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Of all the popular users on EMC, what 3 come to mind? It can be any three members, whether active or inactive... just not banned or bad reputation.
  2. I feel like not only reading people's answers but even just seeing the names of those who have already posted might well influence other people's thinking. :p But oh well, I had a fairly fresh mind at least. ;)

    Me, FDNY and Tom were the first three that came to my mind. :D
    I guess that makes sense, as those three are the three players with the most posts.
    Jelle68 likes this.
  3. Makes sense.
  4. 607, Sachrock and Shelluser are the first I think of. Tom(vanWijnen) is a real-life friend of mine, which makes it hard to juge if he is supposed to be in it.
    607 likes this.
  5. TomvanWijnen, Hashhog, and ToddV come to my mind. I'm an old, not very active user so most of the people I remember are old users :p
    Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  6. Pretty good list, I have to admit.
    Never heard of them, so you're probably older than me on EMC.
  7. Hashhog is not active enough anymore to be well-known to newer players? :( Oh, wait, you aren't active here yourself, you've only got 20 posts so far. :p But you did remark you've never heard of them and "so Tom's probably older", so I guess you mostly play on the Minecraft servers?

    Sach, that's interesting.
    Well, I am in my own list, so I'd think Tom would be in yours. :p
    FadedMartian and Jelle68 like this.
  8. As a Founding Father of EMC (Unofficially), being active was - and kinda still is - something I do. It just took me a long time to get a new computer; that's all. However, you are right in a way.
    607 likes this.
  9. Founding father of EMC, you say?
  10. lul
    Sprhyngtime likes this.
  11. January 6th, 2012...
    Alrighty then.
  12. I've got no idea of the top three... Probably 607 (on forums) and ShelLuser is what I can come up with considering I'm not new but also not a veteran. I'd add Rhy as well.
    Sprhyngtime and 607 like this.
  13. Aikar, Krysyy, and Toade.
  14. Ah, the 3 biggest. I see you're a user with a staff mindset.