[EVENT] EMC Easter 2019

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JDHallows, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Sneaky maze design! Great job build team! :D

    Edit: A shot with the bunny as well:
    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.

  2. amazing build ;p
    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.

  3. awesome i had fun ;p
    JDHallows and khixan like this.
  4. I had so much fun and this is a cute concept! Thank you!
    Here is my selfie! :p

    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.
  5. Thanks for the event!
    JDHallows and khixan like this.

  6. thank you guys it was fun
    JDHallows and khixan like this.

  7. ty for the fun :)
    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.
  8. Cant get photo to upload... here is Imgur link
    JDHallows, khixan and AnonReturns like this.
  9. It was a Pain XD but I made it! Thank you for the wonderful build.
    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.
  10. JDHallows and khixan like this.
  11. this was great guys!
    JDHallows and khixan like this.

  12. having fun ;p
    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.
  13. This was so fun!! I was sooo lost most of the time but was on discord vc with peoples too and it was loads of fun.

    I can't seem to be able to post a pic atm but will soon.. I hope. :confused: oookay.. I couldn't see it but it actually did. xD

    Once again.. that Build Team has done it again. *standing ovation Tanx for the fun not only in the exploring but the visual as well. <3
    padde73, JDHallows, khixan and 2 others like this.
  14. crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.
  15. crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.
  16. To be continued...

    Edit: https://imgur.com/qF4G9NZ
    That link will have to do since I'm terrible at this stuff. :D

    *added your pic padde. cd13 =D

    Thanks CD :D
    crystaldragon13, JDHallows and khixan like this.