[Serious Poll] Do you take showers in the morning or night?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Otus_NigRum, Mar 10, 2019.


Do you shower in the morning or at night?

Night 30 vote(s) 50.0%
Morning 23 vote(s) 38.3%
Both, twice a day. 7 vote(s) 11.7%
  1. i dont shower
    Otus_NigRum and Stnywitness like this.
  2. XD
    Your a Martian so ya don't have too. Unless youre the kind from neptune. They take showers by the hour. :cool:

    I take showers before I go to bed.
    Otus_NigRum and FadedMartian like this.
  3. The fact that some of you don't shower at least once a day is a humanitarian crisis. How are you not permanently paranoid that you reek of BO?!?! I showered 3 times a day at least twice last week
  4. I do it almost every day at night. I say almost every day because sometimes I miss a day.
    Otus_NigRum and FadedMartian like this.
  5. What's BO?
    I, on the other hand, am a bit shocked (just a bit, don't worry!) that so many people shower daily. That doesn't seem healthy to me! But maybe I am mistaken. I'll do a Google search...
    Yeah, looks like I was right!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  6. showering so often can only exacerbate skin conditions...

    It's not healthy to shower every day. Especially if you live in the US where the water is flouridated. not only are you washing away oils that are essential for skin health, probably using some fragranced soap that will irritate your skin as well, but you are absorbing copious amounts of a substance that attacks your brain *shrugs*

    I shower once or twice a week. If it is hot outside I will try not to shower every day but every other day. If I smell bad after going less than 24 hours without a shower I will wash whatever smells bad, usually my under arms after a workout. I never reek of BO, I would be abhorred at the prospect.

    I have rarely ever showered in the evening, unless it was after a workout and I hadn't showered in a while.

    For all the teens and preteens that sit in front of computers all day and get bad acne from the oil that piles up on your face, there is no secret to fighting the acne: just rinse your face off with water (not soap) every few hours. Especially when you are gaming.
    Otus_NigRum and 607 like this.
  7. Huh? I don't see anywhere in what you quoted that it is NOT healthy..?

    If I don't shower every evening, I already start to smell myself after the second night (so less than 36 hours after last showering). Cleaning only part of my body is not effective either, as I recently (last Friday :p) noticed when our boiler (the thing that provides hot water for the entire house and central heating) leaked and couldn't be used. I didn't shower in the evening, and smelled bad in the morning. With some hot water from the electric kettle, soap, and washing mitts I cleaned myself relatively thoroughly at 1 PM, but already 3 hours later the novelty of feeling cleaner wore off, and I didn't really feel clean anymore. :p As the day progressed it became worse and worse, and I was extremely happy that I could finally properly shower again in the evening, and actually be clean.

    So, no, I really cannot do without a shower every evening.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  8. I shower every day, wash my hair every other day, between my hair washing days I don't use as much soap because of that, but I don't care, I don't want to smell and be and feel disgusting.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  9. I shower at night and try to shower like 3 times a week but sometimes i forget....
  10. hey at least we have better teeth xD also I'm pretty sure u can just go buy a filter that can remove those
  11. flouride is terrible for your teeth. filters to get flouride out of your shower water cost thousands of dollars since you have to put a filter on the main pipeline into your house. I was one of the kids that the government tested flouride treatments on when i was in school, it destroyed the enamel on my teeth. Thankfully though, I take care of my teeth so today they are better and flouride free.



  12. so tooth paste is bad for us :O
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  13. Don't listen to him, most dentists, if not basically all of them suggest fluoride, even then the fluoride count is low.
    Stnywitness likes this.
  14. exactly, you could put your fingers in your ears like otus and parrot what he read in an article somewhere though. I use baking soda to brush with
  15. Or you could be like you, and parrot what you read in an article somewhere. :rolleyes:
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  16. True that. I close relative of mine is a dentist.
  17. Once a day unless I exercise then it's 2 a day like football practice.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  18. True, apparently using baking soda is more important than listening to the majority of doctors and scientists.
  19. "listening to the majority of doctors and scientists" says you. I haven't met any doctors or scientists that say that flouride is good for your teeth *shrugs*
  20. Maybe because you never mentioned it...