[Closed] Pro Armor Set (no Thorns)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by RandomZh, Jan 12, 2019.

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  1. Items:

    Diamond Helmet
    Protection IV
    Respiration III
    Aqua Affinity
    Unbreaking III

    Diamond Chestplate
    Protection IV
    Unbreaking III

    Diamond Leggings
    Protection IV
    Unbreaking III

    Diamond Boots
    Protection IV
    Feather Falling IV
    Depth Strider III
    Unbreaking III
    Starting Bid: 1k
    Minimum Bid Increments: 1k
    Auction Ending Time: 49h after last valid bid.
    Pickup: SMP1 /v 1728
  2. I do want to say something about the Item that is being auctionned, which I remember was allowed (I cannot find it), anyway, There is something in here that I would consider not that Pro :rolleyes: :p
    You're giving misleading information :p

    There is a maximum amount of "protection points" (or however you want to call them) (in survival and vanilla minecraft etc etc...) This maximum is reached when you've got three diamond armour picies two with prot IV, one with prot III, therefore having four with protection IV is useless: you're not using the protection from one of your armour picies, but that piece does get the extra damage protection makes it have. This makes there is one piece of armour you can put another form of protection on. I would suggest Fire protection, but that is personal. I would also suggest doing that on the chestplate, as that is the only armour piece you reguraly have off (to make space for elytra)

    I quickly took a look, and I can't find any not of this being changed on EMC.

    Anyway, good luck with the auction further, I hope I have cleared something up that made me question myself and be confused. (It was quite hard to find if I was right on this or not, and not being able to find if you were actually auctionning a "pro" set was, for some reason, for me difficult to all understand, so I thought I'd post it. :p )
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  3. Looking at here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Armor#Enchantments You must be wrong. It is capped at 20 EPF, so you would theoretically reach the limit with 5*Protection IV. So my oppinion still is: This is THE pro armor set. (Except we could have a debate about thorns, I prefer without thorns, because armor lasts longer and I have less risk of losing a piece while fighting eyender.)
    WeezerNL likes this.
  4. Eeeh I don't know, thorns may reduce armor health but I find it invaluable against eyender when he hits you from behind and u don't get to hit him back, unless your armor had thorns
  5. Polo002 wins.
    Did set up access sign at 1728.
    Please pay when picking up.
  6. Paid. Please change the access signs again to BulkInc, sorry!
  7. picked up
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