So, I played Pokemon Go! when it first came out then I had a year long break. I just started playing again and everything is new and different. I saw a "Mew Two" Raid boss, I was thrilled; since Nintendo announced the cross connection between Pokemon Go! and the UPCOMING POKEMON GAME ON THE SWWWWIIITTTCCCHHH! *aairr horns* Went to battle the dood, he had like 60k hp and murdered my poor little Abra.... So.. What else have I missed?
I've just reached level 30 and I've been accumulating pokemon so that I can use a lucky egg and evolve them and get a buttload of XP I think I'll do that when i finally have enough to evolve another magikarp
I hatched my first shiny Eevee last night and I also hatched my first Larvitar that has a 96% IV. Yay!
Yes, but I thought maybe someone here had seen one or knows someone who had seen one. I don't know how common they are, though.
A lot of people in my local group have seen/caught them. I haven’t personally seen one though as I don’t play much anymore.
Meltan in Pokemon Go is as of right now Ditto in disguise. I've seen that Pokemon Let's Go has introduced it as Meltan and I've seen info claiming that it is a Generation 8 leak pokemon. But as of right now pokemon Go it's exclusively a Ditto disguise that isn't much of a disguise because it always turns into a Ditto upon getting caught.
After the last Community Day, there were a TON of Meltan out and about so I caught a dozen or so. They are still out there but less common. Not a big deal though because as AncientTower said, they are just Dittos.
I was the same! I'd just finished a Mewtwo raid at the end of community day when they were literally all that was spawning and was getting so triggered that they were all Ditto xD Having said that, it helps people out a bunch who were stuck on the Mew quest
So we've all had a community day this month of October. Beldum was the pokemon chosen and I was wondering if any of you got a shiny and if you did how many did you get.
I got 8 shinies, only evolved one of the shinies. Also out of the 350+ Beldums I caught that day, NONE had good IVs so I just used my candy to evolve and power up the 6 high IV Beldums I had from hatching eggs before the event.
Hello all! Currently lvl 30 Trainer. If you want to add me, my Trainer code is: redacted... (Can't keep up with the Gifts, lol.)
I had a haul of 6 shinies on community day, I was happy once I caught my third Also recently got a shiny Duskull from doing the research tasks for Spiritomb - I just need to find 8 new pokestops in my area x_x