Hi. My name's Starsphere. You may or may not have heard of me before, but yesterday I did something really horrible. Long story short, I ended up stealing a lot of promos from someone through hacking methods (15-20mil worth). I did it purely out of my own greed. SS tracked me down and perm-banned me. The guy's probably getting his promos back, because I told SS the location of the promos. If you knew me, and if you helped me in any way over the last 8 months; thanks. It's all gone to waste now though, due to my stupid mistake of being greedy. To all the horse breeders who I once worked with; good luck in the future. Farewell to this kind, unique community. It's time for me to live in the real world now, not on EMC. - Starsphere
I'm sorry to see you go, as the few interactions I had with you were positive. I wish you luck with your appeal if you choose to do so, and I hope to see you again some day.
I am glad you admitted your mistake. Hope it's some poor joke but I do forgive you. Personally I wont hold any grudges as long as everything is handled properly. It doesn't make it right but please let it be a learning experience. For myself, It is going to be one as well.
Use unique passwords for everything. Never use the same password twice. That's how you avoid getting hacked. Also, if the SS do their stuff right, you should be getting around 2.5 mil extra of promos, because I mixed in my promos with yours I guess that's my way of saying sorry.
This is pretty sad, but I honestly salute you for manning up and admitting to your mistakes. That gets you places in life, learn from your mistakes and reflect on it, it will make you a way better person. Goodbye, and good luck out there, hope you find another great community...
Aw man, I never got a chance to hang out with ya But from I have seen from you it was nothing but kindness ! It's good you owned up for your mistake, but if you ever appeal I'll look forward to your return. But for now, good luck on whatever comes next ^-^/
Well I will definitely miss you, my friend. We all make mistakes, and this was one of yours. I hope to see you around in the future if you decide to appeal in the far future.
We never spoke and i saw your name around on the forums. Its great that you also owned up for your actions but good luck for the future and i wish you all the best!
Sad to see you go, but proud to know that EMC is always one place where you can find people that take responsibility for their actions. I never spoke to you but knew of your name. Best, tj
Goodbye and thank you for not going after my promos. All jokes aside.. I hope you learned your lesson from this and hopefully successfully appeal your ban.
Stealing, wow, what were you thinking? Can you imagine how much time it took for that person to get all those promos? Could you imagine how sad that person would feel losing them? Were you thinking about that when you were taking them? Sorry, can't feel sorry for you. I don't know if you have this problem irl too but if not this is your chance to get on top of this problem now. The implications of getting perm banned from a server are a lot less than irl stealing that could include ruining your life. I do wish you the best luck to take this to heart and go forward both virtually and in reality doing the right thing from now on. Remember the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Don't worry about that just yet. There goes a long way between stealing objects in a video game or stealing candy from your parents and stealing from a store.
What Starsphere did was absolutely stealing in the same way as if he stole something tangible. Does it have value to the person losing it? If it were a diamond voucher that someone paid cash for, would that be different? The mentality of not feeling empathy to the degree that it would stop you from taking from another is the common aspect here. I think it has less to do with the environment that the transgression has taken place in.
Let's not turn this into a debate thread. Starsphere has taken a moment to simply say their goodbyes due to their recent ban. They are already on the right path by being honest and owning up to their actions. That says a lot about their character. People make mistakes and Starsphere made a big one. Let's not pass judgement on their future choices because of it.
I have seen you around and you were very cool but I hope things go well and best of luck outside of EMC