[Suggestion] Clone fireworks like banners

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Tuqueque, Jun 15, 2018.


Like idea?

Poll closed Jun 29, 2018.
Yes! +1 7 vote(s) 53.8%
I see some usefulness... but +0.5 5 vote(s) 38.5%
just why? -0.5 0 vote(s) 0.0%
This will ruin EMC -1 1 vote(s) 7.7%
  1. Basically I want to suggest for a way to clone fireworks (non promo, obviously) like banners are done in vanilla

    Maybe, since this aint a vanilla feature, the recipe to clone the firework would require some extra work

    Random crafting recipe I suggest is:

    2 Glowstone (the "extra" work)
    The firework you want to clone
    1 duration 1 firework

    As always:
    Any suggestions to add to this idea??

    Constructive criticism is encouraged!
  2. The only issue I saw right off is the types of fireworks - some are more expensive to create, and you wouldn't want to nerf values or bypass use of something more expensive, intentionally

    You wouldn't want a basic 1 duration firework and 2 glowstone to be similar equivalent to do say a mobhead or diamond created one ...

    though there is space, if you had to manually add each ingredient in the slots

    firework | dur 1-3 firework | 1-3 gunpowder (1 for effect) | 1 dye | 1-3 effect items

    or if no dur 1 firework, you'd need to include a paper


    Unless I completely misread, and you were just meaning a way to supply the material and skip order of creation?
    __Devil_, Harp4Christ, 607 and 4 others like this.
  3. Pretty much, that is how banners work:

    Some designs require notch apples, creeper heads and even wither skeleton skulls, but the clone just requires a copy of the base banner. (like the image presented in my example)

    You would still need to make the initial firework you want using the materials required (which already gives 3 I believe), but what im suggesting, is to create more clones easily.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. Another thing to consider is that although you need expensive ingredients to create the item you can never "uncraft" it to get the ingredients back. That is a good existing failsafe to prevent abuse.

    Anyway, this seems like an interesting idea to me: +1
  5. Interesting indeed.
    It will save you resources over vanilla, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be rejected, as dispensers don't consume fireworks on EMC, which saves a lot more resources over vanilla than this suggestion would.
    Tuqueque likes this.