Off to the Wastelands

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jaqque, May 21, 2018.

  1. Update: I have traveled to points unexplored. I befriended a few wolves along the way. I have found my destination, and dug down. We now hunker down and wait.

  2. Cool! Im in the photo!
    jaqque likes this.
  3. The final entry has been made; the Time Capsule sealed; we wait.

    Alone, with a potato, we wait.

    See you from the other side.
    SansTheTimeLord and 607 like this.
  4. Alone?!? My potato spirits make wonderful company mind you...
    SansTheTimeLord and jaqque like this.
  5. Loving the Regen banner in the background. Regen is special, regen is life :)
    SansTheTimeLord and jaqque like this.

  6. It's the only reason I am staying sane.
    SansTheTimeLord likes this.
  7. (Love this thread)
    Tuqueque, PhoenixAffinity and jaqque like this.
  8. I don't get what you're trying to do. The waste is reseting, what's the point?
    jaqque likes this.
  9. Theater of the Absurd.

    It also answers the (already answered) question "what happens if you are in the Waste when it resets?"

    Now we have something new - a Time Capsule that may (or may not) resurrect as some hidden treasure in some future waste. The reset got delayed a day for coding reasons - was Aikar coding in keeping the Time Capsule? I don't know.
    SansTheTimeLord likes this.
  10. Interesting experiment
    SansTheTimeLord, 607 and jaqque like this.
  11. At some point, having played on EMC for a while, some people don't have any sensible things to do anymore. So they start undertaking nonsensical operations. ;)

    NB stands for nota bene, which means 'observe well'. I don't think 'observe well observe well' would make sense. :p So no, it's not a thing. Perhaps you could say NM and NO though, for 'observe better' and 'observe best' respectively. :p
    jaqque likes this.
  12. It’ll work, my spirit potato is there
    SansTheTimeLord and jaqque like this.
  13. Still here ... waiting ... guarding ... mind still intact! I've only seen a few apparitions, like the shadow of a Momentus.
  14. I'ts happening!

    But no - I must stand guard

    Am I offering a potato skewer? I'm a little concerned.
  15. Um... my potatoes never get skewered
    jaqque likes this.
  16. Now what is your situation?
    jaqque and 607 like this.
  17. Yes. We're missing an update.
    jaqque likes this.
  18. That's because he is unable to due to the fact that he suffocated to death.
    SansTheTimeLord and jaqque like this.
  19. Not in real life, I hope?
    jaqque likes this.
  20. What's real life? Minecraft IS life.
    jaqque likes this.