[Website Help] I can't add hyperlinks to words

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by cTJx, May 17, 2018.

  1. Hello there.

    I'm not sure if this is where I post this, but I'm having trouble adding hyperlinks to my posts. Whenever I press the hyperlink button on the fancy editor, it changes into


    The only different permissions that I have from most people is I'm a contrib.

    Anyone know how to solve this issue?
  2. Can you explain step by step what you do?
  3. TEST

    Hrmm worked for me. All I did was type test then highlight it, press the link button and insert link.
  4. I did the exact same thing that ThaKloned did.

    I put in the text that I wanted to link, then highlighted it, and pressed link. I then pasted in my link and it turned into the template format.
  5. Can you perhaps show us the markup code?

    So after you 'made' the URL click on the icon in the upper right corner of the edit screen (a A) and then check the code it generated. For example.... This link leads to my profile. I then click the a/A icon and copy/paste it:

    For example.... [URL='https://empireminecraft.com/members/shelluser.87253/']This link[/URL] leads to my profile.
    See what I mean?

    How does that get formatted on your end? Be sure to use a [code] section, otherwise all the BBCode would get parsed again and we can see nothing.
  6. Weird that it wouldn't work for you... Best of luck in getting the links to the hyper to combine into some sort of awesomely quick type reference tab that doesn't cloud up the post.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  7. Does this work?

    It works for me. Maybe something got messed up within the forum permission groups?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  8. Maybe you can try on your alt, do exactly the same thing to see if the issue is contributor based or something else? :)
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. It works for me now. Not sure what happened there, but I can hyperlink fine now.

    I hope.

    Yep, thanks for all the suggestions. Sorry about that!
    We3_MPO, AlexC__ and AncientTower like this.