[ Giveaway ] Rupees!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by cj12115, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. I'm giving away 10,000r to 10 random players who enter the giveaway. (Not a super big amount, but whoever wants to enter can). Just comment a number from 1-100 below and I'll pick the winners using random.org. Winners will be announced on Friday! (also it could be more than 10k depending on the amount of extra money I make this week)
    q1zx, haastregt and Star09 like this.
  2. Eh, why not? xD I'll pick 23 :p
    cj12115 likes this.
  3. 57
    cj12115 likes this.
  4. Don't be like this
  5. 42
    cj12115 likes this.
  6. 53! Thanks for this giveaway!
    cj12115 likes this.
  7. 81; thanks for the lovely giveaway.

    Kryarias, if you want to play that game, I’ll pull out my alts and see who’s laughing
  8. 54
    cj12115 likes this.
  9. 25
    so wait alts are allowed? i mean, that is making it far too unfair, isn't it?
    cj12115 likes this.
  10. 16
    cj12115 likes this.
  11. Thanks for the giveaway!
    17 Please :)
    cj12115 likes this.
  12. Due to the fact that they didn't specify, technically anything goes. However, most people don't do it from a moral standpoint =)
    cj12115 likes this.
  13. 4
    cj12115 likes this.
  14. This. I have a dozen alts at the ready. The alt crap is just spam.

    FadedMartian0, cj12115 and 607 like this.
  15. just pointing it out :)
    cj12115 likes this.
  16. Thanks for this giveaway cj! :D ill take 44
    cj12115 likes this.
  17. 75 :)
    cj12115 likes this.
  18. Thanks indeed for doing this :)

    77 please
    cj12115 likes this.
  19. How dare you take my number before I chose it?!

    cj12115 likes this.