EMC needs PVP!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Cypher_Rahl, Jun 7, 2012.


Should EMC implement PVP?

Yes! 48 vote(s) 30.6%
Nope. 109 vote(s) 69.4%
  1. I am actually pretty impressed by your ability to remain fairly calm despite all of the trolling. I would have beat my head into a wall long ago.
  2. We dont want pvp. Period.
  3. Hahaha. There are lots of reasons I have this kind of patience though. This is nothing. I can't expect to make a public thread and not get this particular flavor of unsavory attention.

    Also, as soon as I give into mindless replies and arguing I sink my whole topic to a low level.
  4. No PVP is what (mainly) keeps me on this server. So no, just no.
  5. What parts? The fact you don't have to PVP? Or the fact people aren't out there PVPing? What absence of PVP do you particularly enjoy? Because there is nothing stopping two friends that want to go to the nether and brawl.
  6. In regards to the rewards idea:

    They could get a sig like that if they win. I can make it more snazzy if this actually goes through, but this one is good enough.
    About the idea of EXP rewards:
    If we will be holding this kind of thing regularly, then the XP prizes would have to be slim in order to ensure that people aren't getting hundreds of levels every few days. I also think that the winner should be kept out of the next game in order to prevent people going on massive streaks and all.
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  7. Well I think it would be a good thing look at it this way
    Mcpvp who has heard of that server always 100 people on
    Skitscape 125 people on

    Emc about 150 on 10 servers
    Like on skitscape just a sg (aka survival games) plugin would be great
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  8. The problem is there would be several winners daily. (Again assuming it would be a HG type game.) And the tag would hardly be official that way and easily copied. Although I do like the idea, I think some kind of coded in game trophy would be better. Unique, and able to show off in game on your res. People love artificial awards. (That's why achievement systems are so popular these days).

    I agree; I'm thinking the XP award would have to be slim, and also vary according to participants to be viable.

    This server 'minecraftSOMESITE.com/hunger-games' (Am I allowed to reference this server?) Has 40 servers of 150 people+ (VIPs make the servers oft go over 160) constantly full during peak hours. When a new server opens up again. It fills almost instantly. The server you mentioned may be the same one. They also have a couple different types of pvp, and ctf servers. That's where I go when I realize EMC has a lack of PVP and I crave it.

    But if your point is to say PVP and more specifically HG is very popular and will catch on, than I agree. I mentioned that it's a wildy successful PVP genre already though. ;)
    diamond_hunter33 likes this.
  9. One of the biggest problems in forums is the people that simply want to reject ideas. I get that some oppose it but it is an idea there is no need to act stupid because some suggested it. I dont want PvP because that is not the style of play I enjoy from minecraft. I get that people like to fight.
    You do have many valid points, as instituting a PvP server. It was suggested and it was shut down. I hate that people attack new ideas just because they don't agree. You can present all sorts of solutions to suggested problems but they continuously say NO! NO! NO!
    You put in a poll, if all they want to do is say no then just vote no. No point in arguing with no argument.
    I will suggest that you create a prototype map and have it reviewed by people that matter. If nothing else you can host a home server with the map for hunger games with EMC members that sign up. I am willing to give it a try and see how I like that kind of gameplay.
  10. The sad thing is, I consider that common sense...

    As much as I'd love to get the whole thing up and running to give you a better idea- I just don't have the ability.

    If you scroll through the posts I know I've went through it though. But I also want to add, even though that is the type of PVP I, personally want. That doesn't mean I'd settle for anything less. I think I'm allowed to PM you the server that has the most similar idea to what I'm thinking... because it is 100% pvp as opposed to EMC being 0%. although im n0t 100% about that. =P
  11. Tell you what, create at least two maps. Give me a list of the plugins. And let set up a EMC members exclusive hunger games session, I can rent a decent server for it set it up and try it. If we get enough interest the we can ask ICC or Justin for permission to host a sister server to EMC for it. I can provide funds to make it happen. I just checked into it, It looks like fun and not expensive for a 2 gig (about 50 players) server.
    I have to go to work but as you said you can at least make a map right? Just gime something I can make it happen.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  12. I would be super interested in helping in any way possible. Please let me know if this gets up and off the ground.
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  13. Wow, if you're that interested I can try my best... But I only have skills in MC architect and game balance. As far as server related knowledge it extends to a 10 man, free hamachi server...

    Also, the HG premise is around a randomly generated wilds area. Meaning it's even EASIER to get up and running. (Another reason it's popular ATM, IMO). This discussion may be OT though. If you genuinely are that interested we can talk on skype (or another thread) and try to wade our through it's creation. I pick up fast on things although I'm unaware of where to begin.
  14. I think it would personally be an AWESOME idea, i mean - have an area sectioned off or have an arena even! make it like runescape and have a 'wild' in the wild!
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  15. you sir, deserve an award for being awesome and logical and all that jazz.
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  16. I think we should because IM freakin sick and tired of no KILLIN!!! I want PvP because it keeps the Empire going and suggesting no items...
    Leave it's annoying...
    U gotta read the thread dude I don't think u read the thread
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  17. Although I agree with your post, most of it is moot by now. ^__^;
    Monster_ likes this.
  18. People don't understand what u r saying!! A AREA FOR PvP, not the game... I understand u, not like other people... I'm this people!!! ------> :cool:
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  19. It's a simple enough concept, right?

    And Omel... I feel you post to baffle.