[Auction] Stuff you can't live without!!1!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by haastregt, Feb 6, 2018.


What should I auction next?

1 DC clocks 7 vote(s) 25.0%
1 DC poisonous potato 11 vote(s) 39.3%
1 DC comparators 10 vote(s) 35.7%
  1. Bump!
    These golden hoe's are proffesionally handcrafted from the purest gold, get 'em while you can!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 gold ingot wisely used.
    Patr1cV and Sydney_43 like this.
  2. Bump!
    Get yer passionatly sliced head busts while you still can! Maybe you will even find one that looks like you ;)!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 rupee.
    Patr1cV and Sydney_43 like this.
  3. Bump!
    Freshly picked flowers for your valentine! Get em while you can!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 lucky valentine.
    Patr1cV and Sydney_43 like this.
  4. 130k
    haastregt likes this.
  5. Bump!
    This auction includes the finest renames for dragon stones and dragon stone fragments, so that they are even móre useless then usual! Get ém while you can!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 day earlier dragon tombs release.
  6. Bump!
    Get the dumbest mushroom stew there is in existense, because well I mean uhm... exclamation mark!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 mushroom stew able to get education.
  7. Bump!
    Although not listed, this auction will also get you (temporary) exclusive access to the pickup chests @9372 auction!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 meme.
  8. Bump!
    Bid now to make me come up with even more silly bump messages :D!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 idk this is getting hard.
    Patr1cV, Sydney_43 and 607 like this.
  9. Bump!
    Raaynn has been patient for a while now. Well, just about 19 hours left, will he take all these premium goodies for 130k?
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 giant prank to raaynn.
    Patr1cV, 607 and Sydney_43 like this.
  10. Hmm I have thought it over, and decided I really shouldn't . . .
    But I Wil muahahaha
    607 and haastregt like this.
  11. And I...

    haastregt and 607 like this.
  12. Hmmmm you drive a tough bargain
    haastregt and 607 like this.
  13. And

    I have




    haastregt likes this.
  14. Bump!

    I am glad to share that there are already alot of mushroom stew able to get education. We even have our first graduate!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 more chance for half life 3 to be released.
  15. Bump!
    This years exams are getting closer, spend your rupees now so that you wont get distracted by EMC and can go learn!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 graduate this year.
    Patr1cV, 607 and HaastregtLover77 like this.
  16. Bump!
    Kinda rough days, missed some bumps, sorry guys :p. Anyways just about 24 hours left untill Raaynn wins this auction for 160k rupees. Will he finally win?
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 epicalyx.
    (Curious what that means? Ask me! But follow the rules and include a bid in your post hehehe :>)
    Patr1cV, HaastregtLover77 and 607 like this.
  17. Hmm Raayn why you do dis I should be saving meh moniez xD

    Also what's epicalyx???
    607 and haastregt like this.
  18. Bump!
    And ChespinLover takes the lead again, the battle is on! Who will win? Who will persevere? Find out in the next episode of bid wars!
    Support the BHRBF.
    1 rupee = 1 more tesla send to space.

    (Seriously making these bumps is getting hard :p)
    Also, an epicalyx is a chalice shape that is surrounding another already existing chalice shape, which you can find at for example certain flowers. ;)
    Patr1cV, 607 and HaastregtLover77 like this.
  19. 180k to help you save your money.

    Perhaps to purchase an epicalyx in the future.

    607, ChespinLover77 and haastregt like this.