Having MC Problems Again [Resolved]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ILTG, Oct 25, 2017.

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  1. Anyone know what this error means? I got it after clicking "play"

    Error: Could not find or load main class net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
  2. Is this just out of curiosity, or have you actually got problems playing Minecraft?
    As in, has the problem subsided after retrying to launch Minecraft?
    ILTG likes this.
  3. Same issue here, even with a complete re-install. The problem seemed to be the old launcher. If I update to the new one it (somehow) works. Not sure which launcher you're using but if it's the old one, try using the new one.
    ILTG likes this.
  4. No, the problem continues.
  5. Have you updated JAVA?
  6. Check your profile and in specific check what Java executable it's using. My assumption is that you're using a local Java version, if so try to switch that off and use the embedded one instead.

    I just noticed that they released a new version of the launcher, so that could be causing some of these issues. That is: I don't think it's the launcher causing all this, but any possible "weird settings" could cause some weirdness.

    This is the setting I mean:

    It's usually advised to use the bundled runtime and not any local versions.


    If that also fails then try this:
    • Close Minecraft related stuff (game, launcher, etc.).
    • Open a file manager (explorer) and go to: %appdata%\.minecraft\versions
    • Remove (delete) the ones you're playing with (I'm assuming vanilla versions here!).
    • Close, start the launcher and then try starting Minecraft again.
    There's really no need to reinstall. Normally that doesn't even change anything because if you de-install then all your settings will retain (%appdata%\.minecraft). So if you're using a modded version (Forge for example) and are having issues which could be caused by a plugin then re-installing won't do anything because the plugins would still be there.
    607, FadedMartian and ILTG like this.
  7. It's the old launcher.
    ILTG likes this.
  8. Could be but it doesn't have to. I still keep the old launcher around myself and it works quite normally.

    Mojang can't really ditch support for that because that would result in the Linux versions to stop working.
  9. It's broken
  10. Pretty sure it was the old launcher. I updated and it started to work again. Still wondering what the actual problem was, though. I've always liked the old launcher better.
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