Greetings all! I have a small surprise/gift for all of you.. Khixan and I have been secretly collaborating for 3 months, trying to complete this massive project. I have the opportunity to sub in for khixan, since she's having a rough time irl. I have to say, she's gone through some terrible things/incidents. So, as the surprise, I created lots of PFGs for you all. I had to model at least 50 players, but they all look awesome! I like to think of a PFG as taking a huge picture with a bunch of players showing off or doing their unique pose =) (or distracted by random mobs.. xD) Before we start, let me clarify: if your name is not on the list- like khixan said, we aren't selfish, just can't keep track of 50+ players lol. I tried to make each character completely unique and some have poses that are based on their skins/in-game activites. If you recently changed your username, please consider that these usernames may be older. The main list of players: khixan corruptedsmile rdmaster MrCDub ChumMiner H00D UltiPig kaptrix ScrOcraft Slvr b0bbyTheBuild3r BenMA WitherDoggie AverageWalrus ChrisFlareon ChickenDice Lacronton AncientTower HxCami10 BurgerKnight Tuqueue Jadzia Deceptious GeneralWillikers TBird1128 And now... I present the rest of the glorious volunteers. Volunteer List No. 1: Fishcat Bnoofles BEK11 jhtk01 LordessSpartan CatNapInn ThaKloned Prometha adrian1995 Lee1993 Paul1953 toto_style Agent_Creeper23 (now Floresss) MrGraywolf Sgt_Pepper4 AyanamiKun JohnKid crazy_x_gamer WayneKramer ArmaniBerri friendypig JDHallows CodyGraw Kaja_the_pug SparkleRose Volunteer List No. 2: SkeleTin007 EnderMagic1 ShyGuyTheGamer PeculiarPotato SealInAction Qkazooo MancubPlayzMC MeadMaker Crazy_TJ ChespinLover77 SirTah Poofasaurus Kytula CadenMann Erektus FadedMartain SageCREEPER Bunni_ DubChef Gawadrolt Kephras ru42lines BountyCole LilRobotSeffy luigiluigi71 Volunteer List No. 3: MagisterDelerius xxGreenPandasxx JediKittySC ruari342 WeirdManaico CoryLovesYou AmusedStew Monkeyrancher madidiot21 Keegsstar123 FatAndyTheGreat BaadGamer Labat1708 Mrs_Ender20 RDSwartGamer Deadmaster98 Conclusion: Thanks to all the great players who have supported the PWU project! There are some really great builds out there: grinders, farms, decor, architecture, and even a nether rail project! The actual thread is HERE I just wanted to give a lot of credit to all of these talented builders and khixan. Personally, I didn't contribute that much as some of these other players, so give them credit too. Share this thread with other PWU players, so they can see themselves in true glory! Thanks all!
I can't thank EnderMagic enough for doing all this work! <3 Turned out AWESOME!!! Thank you everyone who has volunteered at PWU <3 If you're not on these pics/list, either 1) I'm an idiot or 2) You joined recently. This project started months ago. Next time around
Lol, can't blame me for 8s PWU , just 7s . This was a great idea, nice work on trying to keep with everyone. Gratz to all that helped on 8s PWU, you all did great work.
These PFGs are packed with hidden extras.. Seffy with a fish. Burger and Cami fighting over cake. SgtPepper holding a lot of blocks. Zombie Q. Someone with a spider in their head
I'm just in that small cluster with my diamond sword , Thank you Ender and of course Khixan! Been so glad to be on call on the many projects we had over my time! Been always more the person in the back , ready to act when needed! Khix, remember if ya' need me, I'm always here