An "Introduction/Explanation"

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Aliyaxoxo, May 27, 2017.

  1. I'm not really introducing myself. If I don't know you yet, I probably won't anytime soon, but this is more of an explanation of an incredibly misleading thing that happened about a year ago. The account I play on mainly now (Sportaflop) is NOT my main account. Seanawesome14 is. Now if you go to /p Seanawesome14, you'll see I have a ban. The reasons? Stealing and Illegal Mods. Now, I could go into some spiel about why it was invalid and how I can disprove it or whatever, but I won't do that on here. I'm just going to point out that I was not ACTUALLY BANNED for Stealing and Illegal Mods. Now I'm going to give you an explanation of the Stealing portion of my ban, then the illegal mdos portion later. The "stealing" was actually me failing to return an item someone mailed to me because I was in the middle of a CS:GO comp. Me and Haro were playing at a Chin's PvP event, and he gave me a bow through /mail. I then left to play CS:GO. In the middle of a competitive, he requested that I gave it back. I said later, then when I went to log in later, I was banned. So not stealing, just not returning an item at the EXACT moment it was requested. Now for the illegal mods. I'm not going to tell you exactly who, why, or when this occurred, but long story short someone in mumble reported me for saying (and this is not a direct quote. I'd give you a direct quote if I had access to the dispute message with Krysyy, however once I for some reason began comparing her mental capabilities and comprehension skills to that of a 3 year old, I got banned on the forums :p. The "accusation" was that I said in mumble that I used all the hacks on EMC that I could as often as I ever could. I did not ACTUALLY hack on EMC, I was banned because someone said I "said" I did. So I'm not some obnoxious guy who got to where he was by cheating. Everything I've done in EMC has been legitimate, and while the ban reason seems to say otherwise, anyone who denies what I've said in this forum would be lying, and if I need to I could get proof to do so.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  2. Appeals can be made at
    ShelLuser, 607, PetezzaDawg and 4 others like this.
  3. I approve this message! :)
  4. O hey sean, long time no see!
    PetezzaDawg and NathanRP like this.
  5. This is quite hilarious, as I knew bits and pieces of this, but thanks for filling in the holes, Seany! :3

    EDIT: For clarification, your explanation on why you were banned and what you did was funny to me (Yeah, I know I have a messed up sense of humor).
    EmpireMall likes this.
  6. Hi Sean.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. You can get banned if someone mails you something and you don't give it back to them right away. That seems pretty harsh by the staff. Haro (who is also banned) voluntarily mailed it to you, right? No one twisted his arm. And then the staff must have not even given you a chance to mail it back to him before banning you. Boo staff. I thought the staff were cool. That is of course if this is the actually the whole story.
  8. O Hi Sean. Did not know this happened to you. I think that was unfair about banning you.
  9. The same staff who fuelled an argument against me where I was clearly not in the wrong?
    The ones who close threads when it swings a way they don't like?

    BenMA and FadedMartian like this.
  10. I did laugh a bit, but then I've noticed
    a tiny tear in my eye.

    What distant memory filled the well
    that was long thought to be dry?

    What hardened their hearts?
    Is it too complicated, is it too obscure?

    Oh Time, where have you gone,
    why didn't you bring a cure?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. I disputed it, didn't work. I appealed it (because why not might as well get another alt), didn't work. I can (in a way) understand the appeal not working, but no reason on the dispute, or the ban in the first place, for that matter. I'm not saying I shouldn't have been banned, just not for the reasons stated. I was close to the ban for "rudeness" already, but that wasn't the ban reason and didn't play a part in the ban itself, so that argument would be invalid by any staff.
    Qitro likes this.