Nice to meet ya my name is kait! I'm new to the empire and to minecraft in general, my brother asked me to join and it's been fun so far! I'am still terrified of the wild and I have a tendency to scream and run away from mobs I have not been able to rid myself of newbish habit's (I'm terrible lol) so please don't make fun of me if you see me running for my life on any server and I hope I eventually get to meet most of the members on here cause y'all seem so cool
Nice to meet you as well, I love to help new people, and tend to float from servers, 3, 5, 7, and 8. If you have any questions, or require help with something, feel free to ask me. ^_^ <- My name is over here. =P
Congrats on joining! That remonds me of me, when i first joined i became gold instantly. Than diamond.
lol my brother gave me gold status he spoils me<3 and I am on server 9 it's where my first claimed res is<3
really all on smp9??? i'll keep an eye out for you while I'm running around I f i see you I'll make sure to say hi