smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Concerning the old 'secret' rail tunnel; if my computer wasn't broken and I knew where the entrance/exit was, I'd be filling the whole thing with sand, or at least removing ALL the torches and blocking it shut with brick. Maybe that goes against the PvP rules, but hey, maybe we just wanted to RANDOMLY fill the tunnel up. hehehe /evil laugh

    Personally, I think the only way we will suppress griefing is by simply having more and more 'good' people on more often. If there is someone online, or at least looking at the live map 24/7 (I know; a difficult feat at best), then we'll at least have someone available to use the /report command and get some names on some lists. I open the live map as often as I can, as I don't get as much time to actually play, and I try to keep an eye out for people I don't know getting near the city. Sometimes, you can actually see the griefing from the live map, so don't hesitate to write down the name. I'm assuming that would help narrow down the search in the logs for evidence of the griefing, and help facilitate a more swift ban. In spite of the isolated incidents, we are still standing strong as a real COMMUNITY, and we are only getting stronger. Grief to the griefers, and PEACE TO ALL. ;D
  2. I agree. After trying to hide things for awhile i gave up. If someone really wants to find you or your secret stash they will.

    I watch the map a lot but unfortunately, Philo, if the griefer is a hidden supporter you won't see them on the map. You will however see them listed in game when you hit the TAB key. So you can always check who's hiding and then wonder why :)
  3. I think having a rail line to spawn is futile. It's bound to be griefed eventually no matter where it is. Maybe we could make one that goes just half way to the spawn, I think it's less likely to be griefed then.
  4. I was wondering if I could join I've already been out there but dies somehow. So can I join?
  5. It didn't go fully to spawn, it went just outside the periodic reset area. It was well hidden because I had to make waypoints on the map as a step by step thing. I think one thing that didn't help was the people who constantly used the thing. I know most of us used it when there weren't many on or only when we had to but I think people figured it out, especially when we were trying to keep it secret and people were just outright talking about it in the forum where lots of people can read. Another thing was I noticed ores that were in the walls were being removed. Dunno but either way if we make another then we should try to hide it better and stick to only using it when we need to.

    Pat you're more than welcome to join us.
  6. Thank You Secret, It Is That I want Is To Be Friends..................:)
  7. I am joining then see ya all around at the base.
  8. The challenge with having a staff, is that you then need a budget.
  9. I would also like to say, I am Sorry for yelling at everyone... and i would like to be friends again Bokalek.. :)
  10. Inu ill be your friend again ok
  11. Glad you worked it out and welcome on board pat :)
    I might be there later :)
  12. Thank you, i will say this.. This has happend on a nother server i was on, idk if it is the people( Who did the crime) or me.. i am a very sweet and nice guy.... idk why people cant see that........
  13. This place is amazing and I want to say thanks to zulu9 for starting this, also is there a public mine?
  14. Yeah, it's right underneath the guest house. There is another one behind the guest house in a shack made of jungle planks and sand.
    Just remember that there are mines everywhere, but try to to mine into someone's place :)

    That's what I planned on doing. If someone found us once, likely they'll find us again, and if we block off the tunnel, then they'll have little way to find us.

    We don't even know if they're will be a reset after 1.3 comes out. From what I've heard from the community, a wild reset is really NOT wanted at this stage in the game, and J & J will almost always take the community's opinion on these things.

    I agree, I plan to have the entrance to the new one a tad farther off the beaten path and in a much different location.
    Agreed. When there are 3 people just going continuously in one line at a constant speed griefers think "oh look a rail tunnel!" and then they go and grief it up. Just remember, if you are a supporter, to try and have /map hide on at all times when you're out here. To everyone else: The occasional run to town is not bad, but when you're constantly ferrying things back and forth, it can be pretty noticeable.
    To everyone: In the future, just remember to look around before you delve into the rail tunnel, because people could be stalking you in-game. Try to keep the rail a secret, because it only makes griefing us that much easier.
  15. Hey. I am having some trouble making the boat slide. I have never made one before and those boats are more fragile than a box of kittens. I think the problem is my design has too many corners for the height. I migth turn it into a non-boat slide unless there is some trick or secret I am missing. Thanks for the help. If you want to have a look at it, it is on top of the beach house, mostly made of dirt for now so I can change it more easily.
  16. Watch out kittehs, Zulu's gonna smash you up! :)
  17. May I be part of the community? I was visiting recently and I would really like helping expand the last light outpost into the nether.
  18. Welcome Tarso. We have a nether portal. I don't think we tried to make a homely area there yet. So I really like that idea. If you can be more specific about the stuff you want to build in the nether I will put it up on the site.
  19. :)

    One big problem with the nether is the impossibility of using beds and placing water... Still, building something like a "resting station" for nether travelers could be nice... Also, we could build a tower, to make the access to other layers of the nether easier.
  20. To fix the water issue, place ice blocks, they melt into water and stay apparently.