1 handed setup?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Justiceinacan, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. Hey all

    I had a kinda bad day today. I didn't czech myself before I rekt myself.

    I was skiing, had a sensational collision with a boulder, and my elbow is now broken into several more pieces than it should be.

    Being unable to do anything active sucks eggs, and I don't have the arm for fpses... but I think since minecraft is a slow game, I could pass the time with it if I can figure out a setup.

    I own an xbox one controller and a regular m/kb. Anyone with experience happen to know how I can get the game to recognize it? Or suggest a good keyboard layout for a left hand that isn't much of a hassle to use?
  2. Hey man, I'm sorry i can't really help with anything technical as i suck with that stuff but i hope you get better soon! an idea could be that when your well enough to move your wrist easily, have an extremely high sensitivity on your mouse and play like that. For the moment you should probably rest though xd
  3. A 3rd party program would be needed to run a wired controller for Minecraft, there are many different ones out there.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  4. Hah, thanks. Ice and holding my arm above my heart isn't my favorite pastime but I gotta do it a few times a day :p
    Equinox_Boss, Ch33zus and 607 like this.
  5. Depending on how long it takes for your arm to heal, you could probably fiddle with your controls in a way that is entirely left-handed.
    For me at least, I use my right hand for shifting, t, enter, numbers 7-9, and the mouse. You could probably get away with alternating between your keyboard and mouse as long as you stay away from PvP or PvE, and you can condition yourself to use left shift for sneaking, the mouse's scroll wheel for changing hotbar slots, and depending on whether or not your mouse has extra buttons, you could set two of those to chat and entering a message. If not, you could probably bind those to G or B or something like that.

    Good luck, hope you get better soon. :)
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. I've tried to set up PC MC for controller, and had little success. Mostly because I am averse to 3rd party drivers of questionable reliability. Windows 10 MC (eg: MC PE for Desktop) does work with a controller, but you are stuck in the PE ecosystem so you can't get to a real server (read: Empire).

    Are you unable to use your right hand at all? Having a better idea of your limitations will help with layout suggestions.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. I like how you can already make jokes about this. I've never broken a bone but I've torn ligaments before. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
    EmpireMall and Justiceinacan like this.
  8. if you're willing to spend a few bucks, you could buy a couple cheap usb pedals used for racing sims. That would give you 2 extra buttons you can use. since you only use 2 buttons on a mouse for minecraft, it could replace it, the only problem is you still can't move the mouse. If you get clever with the controls you could probably figure out a way to use a track pad like you would on a laptop.
    607 likes this.
  9. So I figured out Joy To Key and set one up. Not bad, but I anticipated it being less clunky. Wonder if my bro's steam controller would be better.

    Works fairly good for now, though.
    607 likes this.
  10. Don't really have any suggestions for the one handed setup, but really hoping that you heal fast and have a speedy recovery!! Wishing the best! :D
    607 likes this.
  11. Thanks all!
    607 likes this.
  12. Ouch. other than maybe a controller id say rebinding the keyboard and mouse. Hope you have a quick recovery aswell
  13. My bro just gave me an old lefty mmo/moba mouse. Bound anything I'd use KB for to that... quite nice
    607 likes this.
  14. Oh that works. I've never seen a left-handed MMO/MOBA mouse. I have a RAT MMO 7 that I retired recently (in favor of a more FPS friendly SteelSeries Rival 700). What brand is the lefty mouse?
  15. *assumes you did ur accident in Czechia*
    Justiceinacan likes this.
  16. 607 likes this.
  17. Nice! I've only seen those in right-handed configurations.
    Justiceinacan likes this.